Chapter 10: Part 2

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ÿþAli ran after Jace, her hand in his. He laughed and pulled her inside a small shop. There was random clothing scattered about everywhere. Along with accessories like hats, scarves, glasses, and about censored few weird objects. There was even a gold cane with a snake's head on it. 

Jace threw on a buttoned down flannel shirt, a baseball cap with a heart on it, his sunglasses, and switched out his pair of shoes for worn out imitations of converse.  

She began to laugh but it was cut short when Jace threw a tan peacoat on her. Accompanied with a matching fedora, huge sunglasses, and a gaudy purse. 

Ali looked in the nearby mirror. She stuck out her butt and rested her hands on her hips.  

"Does this purse make me look sexy?" 

"Honey," said Jace, flipping one of her curls, "You always look sexy." 

A woman came over, eyeing them both suspiciously. "Can I help you two?" 

"We'll take it! Shouted Jace. Both women jumped as he slammed a handful of money on a nearby table.  

He grabbed Ali's hand and pulled her out of the store as quickly as he had pulled her in. She had no idea where they were going but, she had never seen this side of Jace and she loved it. He was free, happy, energetic; something she wished he could experience all the time. 

Jace finally slowed down. His hand traveled down her wrist until their fingers were interlocked.  

"Are you sure this is okay?" Asked Ali.  

Jace shrugged. "Probably not. I'm sure everyone is looking for us but I have a great place we can go." 

There were so many things Ali wanted to say. That this was a terrible idea, they could get caught, and she might be fired. All those thoughts were thrown out the window when Jace stopped and spun her into his arms. He titled her back, kissing her so passionately that a few people nearby snickered. 

Thank goodness it was dark out because her face was so red she could feel the heat coming off of it. 

"Jace!" Squeaked Ali, smacking his arm. "Quit drawing attention to us." 

He grinned at her. "Well I think we already failed by our odd clothes and wearing sunglasses at night. That's just my opinion though." 

"Okay smart ass," said Ali, rolling her eyes. "Show me this great place before I change my mind." 

Jace took her hand again and led them down the pebbled street. The difference between Italy and America was that the small streets could barely fit any cars. Instead, they were littered with different vendors that sold everything from food to handmade wooden toys. 

Near the capital was also beautiful. She had only read about places like this in fantasy novels. Everything was old but with an undeniable charm. The old stone buildings were decorated with white lights, the trees were barely beginning to show signs of life but their branches were strong and beautiful, and the air was crisp. All around them music was playing, people were laughing, and the smell of food was mouth watering. 

Ali felt warm and welcomed even though people barely gave her a second glance. It was the city that was embracing her, holding her and drawing her in. It felt like home.  

They walked for a while until Ali was sure that Jace had gotten lost. They were near the edge of the city which was protected by a large wall. Just when she was about to question him, he walked towards and old, wooden building that Ali would have missed.  

Jace held open the door, bowing his head slightly. "After you, miss." 

She was afraid to go in at first. from the outside it looked like one of those run down bars where only the hardest of criminals went. Once inside she knew that they would have fun.  

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