Chapter 4: Part 2

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Ali sat on the front of the porch steps and sipped her coffee. She was supposed to be watching out for their car but, her anxiety was through the roof. Every little noise had her jumping. Not even her delicious coffee could comfort her.

A few days ago Jace would've been out there with her but, they both had a silent, mutual agreement that they needed to leave each other alone. Of course it was easier said than done. Ali missed him. She missed talking to him and feeling his arms wrapped around her. Most of all, she missed the comfort he provided. Even if he didn't touch her, just his presence made her feel protected. The distance between them really hindered that right now.

The door creaked open and made Ali nearly spill her coffee, She turned around the find Justin smiling sheepishly at her.

"I messed up, huh?"

He sat down next to her and stared at the dark sky. the sun was barely begining to rise, making the bottom of the sky look like someone had poured milk into it.

"You sure did," answered Ali.

Justin ran a hand down his face. "I didn't mean to.tell my dad so much. It'd just second nature to let him know how I'm doing."

Ali turned to look at him. "I know. You just have to be more careful. None of this is about you. You're here because Jace wanted the company but, the only thing you've done is bring a new girl along and compromise his life."

Justin put his face in his hands. "God I really messed up. I've been a problem to Jace winch we've been kids."

"I'm sure he'll forgive you," said Ali, patting his arm. "We just get to party with some old guys for a while."

Justin looked up and chuckled. "Thanks Ali," he said, giving her a hug. Before he could pull back a loud growl sounded from behind them. Ali didn't even need to turn around to see who it was.

"I'll leave you two alone," said Justin. He carefully stood up backed into the house.

Jace and Ali sat in silence for a while. She didn't want to be the first to speak and it seemed like neither did he. That was fine, both could be stubborn but, she wasn't giving in first.

"How long are you going to keep this up for?" asked Jace.

Ali chuckled angrily. "Is that really your apology? I'm pretty sure you're the one who got upset, I tried to comfort you, and you reminded me again, that I'm your hired help. Now you want to know how long I'll keep this up for?" Ali laughed again. "Maybe until the trip is over because you're a jerk."

Jace sighed and slammed his fist against the porch post. "You know I didn't mean it Ali. I care about you."

She stood up and turned to face him. "You have a funny way of showing. And no, I have no idea if you mean it or not. We've only been around each other for about four months. you can't possibly expect me to be able to read all your moods."

"Ali..." He said, reaching for her.

She pulled back and frowned. "No Jace. Maybe later but definitely not now. Tell Olivia the car is here, I'll start bringing out the stuff."

She grabbed her suitcases from off the porch and brought them down first. Olivia had already exited the house by the time she was done. She had her luggage and Jace's were already on the porch. Justin carried out his and Brooke's. Ali shrugged, less work for her.

All of them piled into the SUV and Ali immediately all the way in the back and as close to the window as possible. Jace sat to the far right of her, Brooke and Justin sat in the two middle seats, and Olivia sat in the front.

365 Days With You: Part 1 and 2 (Sample only)Where stories live. Discover now