Chapter 2

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              “Carl, please tell me you’re kidding. I need these tires now. My truck won’t be able to make it back down the hill without killing us,” exclaimed Ali, slamming her hand down on the table.

              The old man just raised an eyebrow at her outburst. He put out his cigarette and ran a hand through his greasy hair.

              “Nope Ms. Stone and I won’t have them until next Friday. That’s when my shipments come.”

              “There’s going to be at least four feet of snow. Can I just put chains on my tires until then?” asked Ali.

              “Nope, you’ll have a blow out.”

              “Carl, if you say nope one more time I’m going to make you eat that cigarette ash.”

              He let out a low chuckle, his large stomach shaking up and down. Carl was the only one in town who didn’t mind Ali’s attitude. The poor girl had been through a lot and he admired that. He also use to baby sit the brat and knew that there was a loveable side to her. It was just buried underneath a bad attitude and some anger issues.

              “Stop laughing,” grumbled Ali, stomping her foot on the ground like a five-year-old throwing a tantrum.

              “You sure do act like a baby even though I’m pretty sure you’re about to turn twenty-two.”

              “Do you have any solutions for my problem before I lose my mind?” asked Ali, pinching the bridge of her nose.

              “Yes, you can go to the other side of town. Bill has the tires since his shop is much bigger than mine,” answered Carl. He took a step back and watched Ali curiously.              

              She hated the other side of town. It was where the condescending pack lived and they despised people like her. Carl actually felt bad for giving the girl that piece of news. She looked pale and sick.

              “You know I can’t go there,” whispered Ali.

              “They’ll sell you tires. Just ignore everything else.”

              She leaned against the side wall and let out a long breath. Her auburn hair hung in natural curls around her face, shielding the eyes that were now full of panic.

              “What’s going on?” asked Sarah. She came around the corner with her hands full of chocolate and soda.

              “That’ll be three dollars young lady,” said Carl, holding out his calloused hand.

              “Oh Carl!” she said, blushing slightly. “I took the chocolate by accident last time. You know I would never steal from you.”

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