Prompt 1. Ghost of the Basement

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Mavis rarely gave out candy on Halloween. A lot of the times she found herself with her little sisters and brothers taking them trick or treating. She always got candy as well as payment for dealing with them. She loved them but they were obnoxious.

Since moving a few hours away from home this would be Mavis's first Halloween by herself, so she decided she'd hand out candy in her new home. 

Mavis had never handed out candy before. Her parents always sent her with her siblings while they handed out the candy.

Mavis was excited for it. She bought two big bags of candy and then a box of the full-sized chocolate bars and waited at the door after turning her lights on to signal to all the people trick or treating that she has candy.

Mavis bought herself a simple costume as well. One of her favorite parts of Halloween is dressing up.

She considered going out to a club tonight, but she had no one to go with. Mavis hadn't made many friends mostly just acquaintances with her co-workers at the bookstore she works at.

So, after some debating, she decided giving out candy would be what she does tonight

For a costume Mavis bought a black dress from Spirit Halloween with silver bats all over it and sleeves that opened up at the bottom. The dress is also just a little bit longer in the back. 

She paired the look with a black lace mask and her favorite pair of heeled boots. She put on some glittery eyeshadow and did up a Halloween look after following a tutorial and decided to go with a dark red lipstick.

"You look hot, shame only kids will see this and maybe some teenagers at most." Mavis told herself right before she went to the door and brought her chair up over.

She had considered sitting outside but after a step out she decided against it because of the chilly air. The only thing Mavis had to go with her outfit is a leather jacket which she knew wouldn't be enough to keep her warm.

Surely the children wouldn't mind having to go up to the door and ringing it. She knew that some people sat outside, but she decided she'd stay inside and let some Halloween themed movies run.

Hocus Pocus was the one that came on first.

There had only been one issue to Mavis's perfect night.

Every time the doorbell rang, and she opened it no one was there. The first time she thought she might've heard it. But then it kept happening. Again, and again, and again. Each time she opened the door she was greeted by nothing but cold air.

"Are they ding dong ditching me?" Mavis asked halfway through the night after she closed the door once more having found nothing once more.

Mavis didn't even understand why anyone would do that on Halloween of all nights. 

She could understand on another day them doing it, but on Halloween of all nights. Surely, they'd want some candy.

With a sigh Mavis returned to the couch this time and swung her legs up. Her attention returned to the movie deciding to focus more on it.

With the way the night is going Mavis isn't sure if she'd get to hand out candy. She wouldn't lie she is a bit disappointed about it. For a moment she missed taking her siblings out trick or treating and getting all the candy.

At least there she isn't constantly going to the door and opening it just to find out that no one is there. A bit of irritation built up in her knowing that some asshole teenagers were no doubt ringing her doorbell and running off.

Numerous times on top of it. Mavis didn't even understand why someone would do it as many times as it has happened tonight.

At this point Mavis had stopped counting after the tenth doorbell had gone off and once more not a singular person is there. She felt bits of frustrations. It skyrocketed once more when she heard her doorbell go off once more.

She sat there questioning if she should even open it. Then the doorbell went off a few more times.

"Coming!" Mavis got up and grabbed the candy bucket hopeful that there would be someone at the door.

She even put one of the big bars in it to give them as well. 

However, when Mavis opened the door, she wanted to throw the candy bucket. In front of her stood nothing but the cool air and the houses in the neighborhood. She even saw a family across the street getting candy, but not a singular person in sight.

What even was the purpose behind this stupid game?

Mavis slammed the door shut and walked over to the kitchen.

"A fantastic Halloween so far." Mavis muttered as she set the bucket of candy down.

She took the big candy bar and ripped open the wrapper before taking a bite. Mavis sighed.

"Maybe time to just head to bed." Mavis muttered.

She went up and turned off the lights deciding to just call it a night. Mavis started heading towards her room before stopping as she heard something.

It sounded like singing. Mavis walked over trying to find the noise before stopping at the basement door. The singing is coming from there she realized.

Except the issue is Mavis lives alone.

And she rarely went in the basement. Basements just gave her bad feelings and she was waiting for her father to come and help her sort it out. She hated being in there so she knew that there shouldn't be any singing.

Logical thing to do in this situation would be to leave. However as if some force pushed her there Mavis opened the door and went downstairs.

The steps creaked underneath her weight as she followed the sound of the soft singing. She couldn't recognize it, but it sounded like some sort of lullaby.

Mavis looked over as she turned on the lights before going still.

Seated on some of her boxes sat a brunette girl humming.

"Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Mavis felt for her baseball bat behind her just in case.

The girl turned around stopping her singing.

"You must be the new inhabitant." She murmured.

"Get out of my house." Mavis told her.

She smiled. "Happy Halloween, I'd advise locking the doors at night. Wouldn't want you to be the fourth one here." 

Mavis watched in terror as a slit appeared across her throat.

Just as that happened another knock sounded as Mavis looked back at the girl who was now bleeding.

"I'd advise to ignore that. Happy Halloween Mavis." 

The woman disappeared right in front of Mavis leaving Mavis by herself in the basement in someone at her door. And Mavis didn't think she'd answer it. She had a bad feeling that she may not survive if she did.

1150. And welcome to HalloweenVault21 entries of mine! This is called Fear & Fright and I'm excited to share it with you guys. I have some catching up to do, but still high hopes! ***

 I have some catching up to do, but still high hopes! ***

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