Prompt #8: Love Spells

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Traumatic death victims are never able to move on. Murder, taking one's life, and things that aren't natural make it impossible to move on.

But when something is keeping you bound to the earth you can't move on.

Virgo had found that out firsthand.

He never thought getting himself a girlfriend would affect his ability to move on. Yet here he stood for the hundredth time watching his girlfriend getting ready to take her shower.

Even a year after his death not a singular thing about her schedule had changed. If anything, she fell even deeper into it.

Virgo knew from a young age that he wasn't supposed to have a long life. He had come to terms with it. Having a terminal illness tends to do that. Every now and then he'd freak out but after meeting her he felt much more at peace.

Lilja was a girl he met at college. 

Virgo decided to take a few classes, nothing extreme that could threaten his already fragile health, but something to give him meaning.

He met her in the library. She was like a ray of sunshine to him. The opposite of Virgo.

The two hit it off from the get-go. Virgo never thought falling in love with her would affect him. And he never thought proposing to her would either.

But now he stood caught between the veil as he watched Lilja get into the shower with a sigh.

To this day she still had on her engagement ring. The only addition to her wardrobe was the second necklaces she wore.

Lilja always wore jewelry of some sort. She got more into it after Virgo.

She would always be sporting some sort of crystal necklace and always had her obsidian bracelet on. But since Virgo's death she added a simple black rope necklace with Virgo's ring on it. Even if it messed up the aesthetic of her outfit, she rarely ever took it off.

Virgo wasn't sure if he wanted to feel flattered or sad that Lilja never properly moved on from him. 

Lilja never showed any interest in getting another partner nor any interest in moving out of their shared apartment. Lilja never moved anything that Virgo had touched.

To this day all his clothes remained his drawer except for the occasions Lilja would slip them on when she'd go to sleep.

Virgo found it to be torturous watching the girl he loved attempting to go on with life. But he made it his job to keep her safe. She couldn't see him, but he did his best to make things easier for her.

It took a lot out of him, but on occasion he could push things over in her direction.

He didn't flicker her lights as he wanted Lilja to be comfortable not terrified. As much as he hated being caught between the veil, he didn't want Lilja to leave.

She was the one thing he enjoyed in this tiring existence. His one true love.

Traveling with her became easy as he found himself attached to the ring. At first, he assumed it was Lilja that he was attached to. That her presence alone is what keeps him rooted here.

It didn't take Virgo too long to find out that his engagement ring that Lilja wore everywhere is what kept him rooted here. Lilja is a cause of it, but not the item that keeps him sane.

Virgo sighed as he laid down on the bed.

It was weird not having the bed cave into his weight.

When Lilja came out she was in nothing but a towel and had her wet hair plastered to her. 

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