Prompt 9: To Curse a Ruler

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"You're kidding me, right?" Lynn asked staring at the note in front of her.

It had to be some cruel joke played on her. But no matter how many times she blinked the note, didn't disappear nor did the bedroom that wasn't hers.

"This is real." Lynn muttered as she sat back down on the bed.

She took a look around the room. It matched perfectly. Pink bed set, walls with vines and such. This was the last place she expected to end up in after going to sleep. Much less with the ominous note. Something she didn't recall being in the storyline.

Dear Lynn,
You should be careful what you wish for. Sometimes you get it twice as hard. Now you are in Obey Me, but there is a catch. You have to curse Satan. Good luck.

There wasn't even a signature or anything. Just a note which practically signed a death warrant for Lynn.

Curse Satan. As if cursing the avatar of wrath would be easy.

Before Lynn could do anything, her door crashed open.

"Lynn, you awake!" Lynn turned over startled at the door busting open.

Even more startled when she saw who stood there.

Mammon. The avatar of Greed. A character from one of her favorite games, one of the seven rulers of hell. 

"I-" Lynn didn't even know what to say as she stared at Mammon.

"Clearly she's awake now you moron." Lynn looked over where Asmo stood.

The avatar of lust. Holy shit, Lynn thought. It's really happening. 

"We're leaving here soon Lynn. Diavolo set up another weekend reserve. So, get ready. Lucifer says we need to be ready in thirty so chop, chop." Mammon disappeared along with Asmo as Lynn stared at the door.

"This is really fucking real." Lynn murmured.

"I'm really here." Lynn turned back over to the note.

With a consequence of course. "It's a fucking death wish to curse Satan. Sure, he's sweet deep down, but he is the demon of wrath. I feel like this person is trying to get me killed." Lynn murmured as she took another look around the room blinking.

No matter how many times she blinked nothing disappeared. 

"Thirty minutes. Something tells me I do not want to get Lucifer up here." Lynn commented.

With that she found herself packing to get ready.

Everything felt like a fever dream to her. Clothes of her style were in her size in the wardrobe. She even had boots in her size next to the wardrobe. 

Lynn found herself a bag and started packing things.

She remembered the retreat storyline if anything it was one of her favorites in the game. Considering what Mammon said to her she took it this wasn't the same retreat from the game.

It felt trippy to Lynn to be saying his name and not in a sense of a game character. Someone who was real. She had seen him even if for a brief moment. 

Lynn took a deep breath before grabbing her bag and walking out. Her surroundings didn't change even when she walked out which was the last confirmation that she needed.

"I really am here." Lynn commented.

She shook her head before walking down to the entrance hall where she found all seven brothers. "This is fucking insane." Lynn murmured.

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