Prompt 3: Curious case of the Skin Snatching Co-Workers

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Two weeks ago, out of the blue Marigold's boss had sent an email out to everyone that they'd be working remotely from home. 

Within two days everything had been switched to remote work.

Marigold didn't even have time to head to the office to get her things. Her boss also hadn't been the most communicating since going remote. 

But the office had zoom calls three times a week since they went remote.

The boss: Rumi had barely attended any of the zoom calls. In total he had showed up to two zoom calls and not for long periods of time either.

None of Marigold's co-workers showed any suspicion in it. So, Marigold didn't show suspicion either. She wouldn't lie either that she didn't enjoy working remote. If anything, Marigold had more time to herself since Rumi switched work to remote.

He hadn't given any reason just an email saying it started the same day. No one even got time to gather their things, but Marigold didn't mind.

She didn't leave much of her things at work for a reason. Mostly because she didn't want to constantly carry things back and forth, but it came in handy now. 

All Marigold's things were here at home, and she didn't have to worry about anything important at work. Up until Rumi sent out another thing for them to work on and Marigold failed to find her file on it.

Rumi sent something that Marigold hadn't worked on in a bit. She also couldn't find the file anywhere in her laptop, not even in her recycling bin.

Eventually it dawned on Marigold that she had left her flash drive specifically for work at the office. And the file Marigold needs to work on happens to be in that flash drive.

Marigold sighed as she sat in front of her laptop as it dawned on her that she'd have to go to the office. After all what else could she do?

Marigold doubted that Rumi would be forgiving.

Ever since he became their boss, he had been stern. Although after his vacation two weeks before the work was made remote, he became even more stern. Marigold accepted it with a smile. Best way to stay in his good graces is to not argue with him.

Marigold knew that well. Rumi is a man who demands respect and hates when his authority is questioned. Marigold chose to not argue with him. She knew that it's much easier to just agree.

She did her best to stay under Rumi's radar, but now she couldn't.

"Would it hurt to head to work and grab the flash drive? It's not like Rumi would know, and I doubt anyone would mind. A lot easier than starting over." Marigold talked to herself.

Finally, after some debate in her head Marigold sat herself up deciding to head to work. She'd be in and out. No more than ten minutes.

All she had to do is find her desk, grab her flash drive and then she'd be out. Rumi wouldn't even know, and if he did, she is positive she could explain it to him.

Sure, he's strict, but it's not like there is a rule that they couldn't go in to work for something. Marigold didn't catch that rule in the email at least.

"In and out." Marigold reminded herself as she took down her car keys and headed off to work ignoring the gut warning to stay home.


Marigold worked an office job. She always deemed it something that she neither hated nor enjoyed.

Most of her work is spent writing columns for the magazines and newspaper that her work releases. She always enjoyed writing things and this job enabled her to. Even if it isn't something she considered to be fun.

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