Prompt 2: 3 AM Spooks

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"You know Genesis that there is a rumor that on Halloween night if you wake up at 3AM that there is a possibility someone can be watching."

Genesis glanced up from the candy she was sorting through after her and her friends went out clubbing. The club had candy which none of them hesitated to take. Now engrained from childhood Genesis sorted through it as her best friend Haven talked, her ear off.

"As you said it's just a rumor. I've waken up at 3AM numerous times including on Halloween night. It's just an old wife's tale. Something that they tell you to make sure you stay asleep. That's something you tell children and gullible adults. "Genesis told Haven.

Haven just so happens to be one of those gullible adults. Genesis adores her best friend, but she knew Haven would believe almost anything she read on the internet if it came off as scary.

Scary things are something Haven enjoys. All the scary stories on the internet, the scary animations, horror movies and anything that could come off as creepy is Haven's forte. She enjoys them and doesn't care if the source is reputable or not.

That's where the problem arose for the two. 

Haven would believe anything even if it's just someone trying to fear monger people on the internet. It'd take a lot of convincing on Genesis's part to have Haven finally back down concerning it. 

Haven wanted to believe everything, and Genesis knew tonight would be no different.

"Well Gen, you know that things can change. Who knows maybe you'll experience it?" Haven grinned at Genisis who shook her head.

Sometimes the best thing to do is play along.

"Or maybe you will be the one to experience it Haven, you are the superstious one of us. Best not wake up at three." Genesis was quick to turn the tables on her friend hoping to get her off the whole kick or turn the attention to herself.

Genesis isn't in the mood for superstious talk. 

"Oh shit, I never even thought about that. Well damn seems I'm going to have to make sure I don't wake up at three or do one better and be up at three. Can't wake up to someone staring at you if you're not asleep in the first place." Haven chimed.

Genesis looked over at the clock which read 1:30 in big bold letters.

"It's getting late Haven, so I'm going to start heading to bed. I'll walk you out." Haven didn't argue with Genisis something Genisis lavished in.

Genesis walked Haven out to the door who stopped.

"I had fun tonight, Gen, see you tomorrow babe." Haven leaned forward and kissed Gen's cheek before walking out to her car.

She stopped just before she got in. "And remember Gen don't wake up at three!" Haven shouted.

Genisis shook her head before closing the door and walking back inside. Genesis let out a yawn and rubbed her eyes before heading to her bedroom.

She went into the bathroom and washed all her make-up from her face before getting out of her skintight dress she wore to the club. 

Haven had insisted on the two wearing the sexiest dresses they could find and Genesis didn't bother to argue. She enjoyed herself tonight.

Genesis hopped into the shower and cleaned herself before heading out and putting on one of her nightgowns. 

Genesis looked over at the clock which now read 1:50. 3AM keeps approaching and for some odd reason Genesis felt herself being a bit nervous. She never found herself like this after Haven went on about one of her latest spookiest readings or stories, she found.

At the end of the day, they were just stories and stories can't hurt you.

"Just some harmless Halloween rumor to scare kids into sleeping and not waking up to eat candy." Genesis told herself as she turned the lights off in her room. She used her phone light to guide herself over to bed.

Genesis turned off her lamp and plugged in one of her nightlights.

"There isn't a singular thing to be afraid of. You're going to get some good sleep and then see Haven tomorrow. Then you can rub it in her face that nothing happened." Genesis told herself.

She gave herself one last reassuring smile before reaching down and dragging the blankets up over her. 

Nothing to worry about Genesis told herself as she tucked herself in. With the lights out and her nerves slowly being calmed Genesis felt herself drift off to sleep.


It's a common occurrence for Genesis to wake up throughout the night.

She had been diagnosed with insomnia since she was a teenager and had gotten used to it. She took medicine for it. But she woke up frequently but never for more than three minutes at most before she rolled back to bed.

Tonight, was different.

Genesis found herself waking up but more alarmed. Typically, she's half asleep and groggily looks around before falling back to sleep. Sometimes she didn't even remember waking up.

But tonight, Genesis felt unnerved as she leaned over and grabbed her phone.


Haven's words began replaying in Genesis's head as she set her phone down. Unlike most times all her tiredness drained out of her replaced by high alert anxiety as she looked over.

It's just some scary story meant to scare people Genesis reminded herself. Nothing reassured her though. It felt as if something was burning into her as she looked forward into her dark room.

She went entirely still upon seeing the dimly glowing golden cat like eyes staring at her. 

They were round with black diamond pupils and were gold with a dim glow around them. They reminded her of a cat, and they were right in front of her dresser staring at her. They were right where a cat would sit.

The problem about this is Genesis doesn't own a cat. She never did due to allergies. Genesis rubbed her eyes thinking she was hallucinating or that there were some weird glowy bits in her vision.

But when she opened her eyes, the glowing eyes were still there. Fear seized Genesis as she saw white appearing as sharp teeth were exposed in a grin. Genesis had sworn she had locked each door in her house. She'd have thought maybe a stray cat got in until she saw the grin.

Then she felt the breeze from her once closed window.

The last thing Genesis recalled was the eyes and teeth coming at her as she let out a scream before everything went black.


Later that morning after Genesis didn't answer her phone, Haven took it upon herself to come over. Genesis never ignored her.

The sight Haven found isn't a pleasant one. 

She found Genesis on the floor passed out. She was already dialing 911 as she rushed over to Genesis. Haven collapsed next to her making sure her friend was at least alive. 

In her panic she didn't notice the open window, the dark figure, or the bite marks on Genesis. Something they'd all come to regret.

1174. Came out with some werecat vibes in the end. I enjoyed this one though. Hope you guys did to. ***


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