39. Revenge

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"I never expected to be doing this on a school night," Everett said, as we were hiding behind the Laker building, ready to set our plan in motion.

Everett seemed nervous as he was biting his bottom lip and looking around as if on alert despite the fact that we were well hidden from anyone's sight.

"Okay, remember. Everett goes to their base. They grab him. Call us and threaten us with him. We get there. A fight breaks out. Lana will be on the ceiling. She'll jump in. Get Everett out. Arjun will get the cops there after showing them the video. A video of Carlos murdering someone will definitely get the cops here, even though pretty much nothing else does."

We all nodded before Jada turned to Everett. "Okay, you gotta go. You remember where I told you to go?"

Everett nodded and turned to me and gave me a small, anxious smile. "Be careful."

Was he seriously saying that to me? This idiot.

I nodded. "You too."

Everett turned and ran off before Jada turned to me. "Okay. Get to the ceiling of their base. You know the way. You'll see Everett from up there. We'll be there as soon as Carlos call us."

I nodded and we huddled together for a quick group hug. I feel Jada's arm on my back as she said, "Let's get rid of him once and for all."

Shortly after, I quickly parted ways with them. I climbed the same brick wall and jumped from the same trees, but the witching in my chest felt heavier. For the first time in a long time, I felt so much pressure. I needed to make this right. I had to get rid of Carlos. I was the spy of The Sirens. I had to be the best help for Jada and for Everett.

My hands were shaking as I reached The Lions' base. They had probably taken Everett inside by now. My hands were shaking as I pulled open the squared lid on the roof, which was my entry to their base.

I'm so screwed.

Still, I inhaled deeply and pushed the lid aside before jumping in, and landing on the ceiling inside the base. I quickly crawled over to the where they probably had Everett captive. It was in the main area of the base as soon as you entered. I had been up here way too much. Especially back when Carlos led The Lions. Jada depended on my spying skill to stay one step ahead of them at all times.

"Why are you doing this? Let me go."

Everett. I felt my heart stop for a moment. I quietly pushed myself against a small wall up in the ceiling as I gazed down at Everett tied up in a chair beneath me. A few Lions surrounded him. Carlos was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was waiting for Jada.

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