16. Trouble

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WHEN I WOKE UP, I was seated on a cold flooring with my back against a metal door. The darkness surrounding me was blinding me but luckily Everett was shining my phone's light on me. I squinted, blinked, and groaned.

Fucking hell. I passed out. The last time it got so bad that I ended up fainting was three years ago. I was sweaty and cold as a wave of nausea passed through me. My vision started to blur again. Black spots appeared across my vision as I fought to stay conscious.

"Lana! Lana, are you awake? Are you okay?"

Everett's sudden voice brought me out of the hole I was about to fall back into. I tried to get to my feet, but a jolt in my chest made my legs weaken as I soon as Everett stopped talking.

"Keep talking," I whispered.

"What? Lana, maybe you should sit down."

"No. Just...Just keep talking," I repeated with my jaw clenched.

Everett didn't argue and instead took a step back and a wave of relief burst through me. He didn't press upon me nor did he suffocate me with both his worry and presence. Instead, he gave me the space I needed to breathe and to collect myself. He gave me time.

"You just fainted all of a sudden. You were so pale...," he continued rambling while I took the time to calm myself down.

I could sit here and take my time. I knew I could but Jada, Isha, and Carmen were counting on me. I needed to back them up. We were already so behind because I decided to listen to Everett and go through this stupid storage which was a longer route instead of jumping on Arjun's boys to get there quicker.

Why the fuck did I do that? I could already bet on my life that Everett wasn't the violent type. He probably didn't even know how to form a fist, let alone pick a fight. I could've just let him stay on the rooftop while I took them out on my own.

Fucking hell. I couldn't think straight with him. That's why I preferred doing this alone. He should've gone with the girls. Not me. I was better on my own.

"Hey. Are you feeling any better?" Everett was looking at me with a worried pout on his face.

Feeling frustration take over my mood, I snatched my phone out of his hands and gave him a flat look. I wasn't a kid anymore. I didn't need comfort. I was fine.

Before Everett could open his mouth once more, I gathered my strength and pushed myself past him, crossed the storage room, and pulled the metal door open before stepping outside in the autumn coated evening.

That was my first mistake.

Quicker than a heartbeat, I heard the door click locked behind me and a large figure stepped in my path, pushing me into the alley we just escaped. Before I could make out his face, he slammed me against a wall, buried his nose in my hair, and grabbed me by my waist, crushing my sides with his big hands.

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