15. Spies

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN Arjun has him? Wait, who's Arjun again?" I hurried after Lana as she limped across the Laker towards her friends.

"The guy who's gonna kick your ass tonight if you don't stop following me."

"Wait, what?-"

"-Hey, Weston! Carmen shouted, stepping in my way as soon as Lana reached The Sirens. "Keep your damn distance. What's wrong? What's happening here?"

"Arjun has Ali," Lana said, hurrying over to Jada.

That threw the Sirens' attention away from me and Isha's brows drew together. "What?"

"He's using him as bait to get Everett over there," Lana explained, leaving me more confused than ever.

Arjun? Wasn't that the guy I save Ali from on my first day at Lakewood High? The Lions' gang leader.

"I knew he was up to something," Jada muttered. "Let's get out of here."

"You know where he is? I'm coming with you?" I said, stopping them.

"Weston. Drop this hero act. Go home," Carmen said before they started heading out of the building together.

Without thought, I followed them.

"But I'm the bait. I can't just go home while you go right into a trap."

That made all four of them halt in their tracks. Isha whipped around first and pouted. "Awww. Are you worried about us? Because if you are, it's cute but go home. Ali is our friend. We'll take care of it."

Well, that accelerated quickly. Why weren't they letting me go with them?  I wasn't giving up that easily though. "No. I'm coming with you. Ali is my friend too."

Jada groaned and pushed open the crooked metal door. "Fucking hell. Then move it. Let's go."

Carmen shot Jada a what the fuck? look but she ignored her and I hurried after them. As soon as we stepped out of the Laker and into the crisp evening, Jada quickly led us to a corner through a shady alley and brought her hands to her hips.

"We have to go to The Lions' base. The plan is, get in, get everybody else in, grab what we need, and get out. Lana will keep a watch on everything."

My jaw dropped. "Seriously? That's the plan? To get in and get out? That's the infamous plan of The Sirens? The most powerful gang in town?"

They couldn't be serious. I was kind of expecting a legendary or at least a solid plan from them.

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