Chapter 1

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Strolling around town felt like there was only one town in the whole entire universe. But it was funny because there is definitely more than one town, in fact there is more than one suburb, more than one state, more than one country, more than one ocean and more than one continent. I Adelaide Black say that life is boring. Well, for me at least. I see kids having fun rowing, skating, and playing which kills me. I wish I could fun. You see, 2 years ago I lost my Dad. Sadly after that my Mum came quite overprotective of me. I understand but I don't want life to end like this. I don't want to have a sad, depressing, horrible life. 

"Hey Mum." I said slowly.

"Oh please don't tell me you have forgotten!" Said she in a harsh tone.

"Uh.....what have I forgot?" I said with my mind as blank as a piece of paper.

"It's Lucas's Birthday you moron!"

I did a mix between a sigh and a groan. Lucas is this guy my Mum started dating about nine months ago. He try's with me but, I wish things were as they a few years ago. I didn't know what to say about  about this whole awkward situation.

"Hip Hip Hooray!!" I murmured sarcastically.

"Young Lady! Go to your room now! The subject is closed." She said disappointed. 

But I didn't want to go to my room. I didn't deserve to. 

"I HATE LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled as big, loud and fierce as I could. My throat grew so soar I couldn't talk. And then I realised my heart grew cold and weak. I turned my back to Mum and Lucas, grabbed the house keys and ran for freedom.

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