Chapter 3

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The building was dark and gloomy. The floors and walls were damp. The old brown books scattered around the room. It was quite a mess. The big banner read 'Emerald Library'. Nothing too bad. But just at that moment I realised that under the title was some thing written in a fancy font and in Latin. I had learnt a little bit of Latin in school from year 2-4, but nothing like this. I tried my best to read it even though it was really hard.

"Nobody ....ever comes in........ and nobody.............. ever goes out." I read aloud.

This library was for Forbidden. No!! I had to get out of here. I went to run out of the library, but it was to late.


The doors slammed shut. I ran to the doors and banged into them. But it was no use. I was  trapped. I leaned against the doors again and slid my back down the wall. I started to cry again. I looked at my old gold pocket watch. 10:35! What!? I should be asleep. This was.........I don't even know how to explain this. I made a list of small things that would happen when I got library, well hopefully get out of the library.

1. Apologise to Mum and Lucas (I really did not want to).

2. That funky old man would start chasing me again.

3. Find my way home.

I knew the list would add, but these were already three really hard tasks. I would be grounded forever! Like actually Mum would dig a hole and ground me underground! Creepy noises kept getting louder and louder. I was super scared. If I hadn't run away and been nicer to Lucas and Mum I wouldn't be here! I felt like killing myself. Luckily there was nothing to kill myself with. I decided to keep calm. I mean they wouldn't leave a library in the middle of nowhere if it wasn't safe......... Would they?

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