Chapter 4

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I decided eventually that I could spend the night here. I mean nothing that bad could happen. Hopefully. I closed my eyes lying on a book as a pillow and my coat as a cover. I feel asleep.

"Aurgh!" I had awoken. What had happened? Where was I? Oh, yeah I am in that library. I could safely say that this was not a dream. I leaned up to a sitting position. Wait! This was not here before. I opened my eyes wider for a better view. Yep, I was right. In the corner of the library was a dim light with a pile of books on a round wood table. I walked slowly to the books. I slid my hands gently across the book cover on the top of the pile. Thud. Thud. Thud. I turned around fast. Bang! The books fell off the table. But there was one only ONE book on the table. I opened the cover of the book slowly and this is what it read.

"I am Lucy Hiller. Now listen to me, I don't know how you got this book let alone read it. You probably won't read this book in 1000 years, but this book was written sharply in 1234. Now remember these numbers as you might need them for the quest ahead of you. I am a little girl. Very alive. I didn't even worry about this quest until someone told me....... When I die I will become a goddess spirit of all spirits."

No!! I couldn't read more! Was she watching me? What numbers do I have to remember? What does she mean about a quest? Just no! I couldn't do this. I cannot believe is was that close to letting my guard down...................................maybe I could read more. I could pick. Stay in the forbidden library forever or take a tremendous risk and try to get my way out. I decided to pick take a tremendous risk and try to get my way out. I kept reading cautiously.

"I was stuck in a place. But I found a book similar to this wrote in 123. Remember these numbers. It was there. Just sitting there. And I entered my quest by reading the pledge it had in there. Do you want your quest? If so repeat after me. 

Roses lead to blood,

Violets lead to water,

A pup can never blue,

Now your quest awaits you.

Have a good journey. And remember I am here with you. Good luck!"

I took a deep breath. And I said the pledge.

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