Chapter 10

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It was getting dark and the trees were rustling, the wind was Ferocious and it was almost pitch black.

Walking in the direction of Eden Edge scared me. Edge. Like a cliff. But I couldn't see that.

I stopped.

"One more step then I turn on my phone flashlight."

Too late.

"Aaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I cried.

I had fallen down a hole. I have definitely reached Eden Edge, in fact I had gone past Eden Edge.

Was I alive had I passed out, nobody knew.

"Hello! Hello! I think she's passed out."

I heard these faint voices at the very back of my head which appeared to be Dad and Lucy.

"What the heck! She's alive! Nobody can pass out and 10 seconds later she comes back to life! She's a sprit! The quest is over I think......"

"Yes, yes she's a special Spirit."

I was finished. Wow that was quite quick.

"Wait!? I know the riddle

"Horses galloping in the country farm,

This place can do no harm,

Who knew you could fall off an edge,

Which was squeezed between a wedge!"

My body swirled around my arms felt different. 

"You are a sprit. Now go back home and live your normal. When you want you can visit with the words you entered the quest with, when you die you will transfer here and that's all."

"Thank you Dad and Lucy. Goodbye."

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