Chapter 7

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The words Dad had said kept pounding and pounding over and over again.

"10 times bigger than a dog 10 times taller than a dog, lives in opposite place to the city."

What could mean? Dad was completely different. 10 times bigger than a dog. I had absolutely no idea what he meant. That was my main focus of course but I still had one million other things on my mind. I thought long and hard. Then I hit me. The opposite of city is country. A animal in the country 10 times bigger and taller than a dog. A horse! Of course! But I didn't even know where I was. 

"Lucy! Dad!" I yelled.

But nothing changed. Boom! Thunder. I started crashing down in the forest. I slid my body under a rock and fell asleep.

The grass looked frozen, like when Elsa from Frozen freeze's the land. I stood up and started to continue the quest. Flap! Something fell from the sky. A map had fallen out of the tree which I decided to pick it and read it. On one side the was Pickled Country whatever that was. And there was Dark Quinn Forest ( I must have been in The Dark Quinn Forest). Deadly. I had to make it to Pickled Country. Wait! That must be the first line of the spell back to human world things began to fall into place. Kinda. I began my journey to Pickled Country. Down the zig zag path. And began the long walk to Pickled Country.

Adelaide and the way backحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن