Chapter 3

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"Really? What happened next?"

I enter the classroom and notice a group of people around one area. They seem excited about whatever they're talking about.

I just yawn and make my way to my seat.

"Next, she flew up and caught me, then took me to a safe spot. I didn't even realize what had happened until I was back on the ground. It was so cool!"

I perk up.

Alix is talking about me saving her a couple of days ago? I guess I really do have to listen in.

Some students are also taking their seats while still listening in on Alix's story.

"After she set me down, I really wanted to say something, but I knew she had to get back to the action to keep us all safe."

I had the feeling she wanted to say something that day. I should have been with her a little longer to listen.

Kim strikes a pose.

"That's right! We will be even safer now that we have another hero. Introducing... Blackbird!"

I stiffen at how confident he is.

Blackbird? Technically, it's true, but that's not the name.

I can see the same look on the faces of others. Adrien tugs his collar and turns back to Nino, and I notice Marinette trying real hard not to say something.


I glare at Kim, but soften my expression when everyone else looks at me. I give a small smile as I clear my throat.

"Her name is Blackwing. Just thought I would correct you."

Wow. Way to go, (Y/N). You got defensive over someone saying the wrong name. Well, no one likes to be called an incorrect name, whether it's on purpose or not.

Everyone's eyes leave me when Ms. Bustier enters the room. She must have seen what was going on, because even her eyes linger on me for a second before addressing the whole class.

I just shrug and rest my head on my fist.


Well, the school day wasn't cut short for anything. As I exit the school, I recognize it as the start of the weekend even if it's still Friday.

I catch up with Marinette.

"Hey, what would be the best time for me to come over tomorrow?"

Marinette smiles.

"Tomorrow? Why not start now? School's over for the week!"

I'm glad she has the same mindset I do, but now? I'm not ready.

My thoughts must show on my face, because Marinette giggles before patting my arm.

"Just show up whenever. Whether in an hour or late at night, we'll still let you in."

That brings a genuine smile to my face. I've never befriended someone like that before. Maybe I've been meeting the wrong people.

I nod and start heading home. Even with just that small conversation, everything seems a little brighter now. It looks like some colors pop out more to me. It's nice.

As I get closer to my house, I hear the all too familiar sound of rollerblade wheels. Fate must really have it in store for us, huh?

I step to the side just in time and Alix turns around.

"Aw! I was going to jump over you."

I smile and continue walking at a slower pace.

"I'm sorry I ruined your fun. Maybe next time."

The Crow and Her Keeper - Miraculous Ladybug Alix x Female Readerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें