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"I am not human, I never was. Why are you expecting me to act like one?" Her words stung as he stood there close to tearing up, his boney hands clenching. He didn't want to hear the words he knew were coming, and we're the unfair truth.

"You knew from the beginning that my life here was coming to an end, I have to move on to the next one." Her tired voice trembled, bringing a flush to her pale cheeks. "I have no choice."

He turned away from her, his red hair shining in the afternoon light and making the light scruff around his sharp jawline more visible. He couldn't bare to hear this from her. The concept of immortality was one he could never fully comprehend. His human anatomy wasn't built for it.

She looked over at him, struggling hard to hide the hurt in her eyes when he wouldn't look at her. A lump was forming in her throat, making her words groggy and quiet.

"Love is illogical, unethical and impractical in the way I have to live. I knew this was going to be my biggest mistake but I disregarded that and jumped in and look where it lead us." She was pleading now and his heart started cracking as he turned to look at her. "It lead us to this point, standing in such a beautiful setting while your heart breaks. I will spend eternity being sorry that I guided us here."

She turned away in anger, unable to look at his handsome face that showed his emotions too well.

"Just come back earlier, or later in my time line." He pleaded, turning her to face him. "it doesn't have to be here, no matter where you are I'll find you."

The obvious longing in his tone made her heart ache. She closed her eyes and didn't protest when his large, warm hand came up to cup her cheek.

"I can't baby, love doesn't make everything possible and worth while. There are larger things to find and fix." Her voice faltered at the end but she knew this was what she had to do to protect him. He was human, he only had a century to live at most. He would soon find some other woman to lavish with those soul searching glances and whispered midnight secrets.

He stepped back, stung by her words. "You really do think of me as nothing do you?" He asked, his jaw tightening when she remained silent. "I know that you think of all of us here unimportant because we aren't immortal like you are, the entire concept of dying goes over your intellectual understanding. But just because my time is limited will never make me feel that I did not matter."

There was a long uncomfortable silence before he took a long, shaky breath. His shoulders sagging as his anger faded. "I just wanted to know I mattered to you. That the memories we shared would mean something to you. That it was not simply lost time."

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