Jonah - Love Back

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Nine months you've been gone, I'm still attached

-Daniels POV-

I internally groaned. Getting Jonah out of the house was such as task that the guys and I shared it. One day it's me, the next Jack, then Corbyn and then Zach. Ever since Y/N left unexpectedly, he's been a mess. She left 9 months ago and he was still obsessed with her. I'd walk past his bedroom to see his phone still on while he slept. He would have her Instagram open and "stalking" it just to see her face. There wasn't even recent updates - in fact I don't think she's posted since she and Jonah broke up. I trudged up the stairs to get Jonah from his bedroom. "Jo, we need to go to the grocery store." I said knocking on his doorframe. He grunted but surprisingly followed. We jumped in the car, along with Corbyn and headed to the grocery store. We parked and split up the job. Corbyn was on Dinner Prep, Jonah was on Snacks and I was on Random Items We Like - so stocking up on Gummy Bears, Jonah's Coffee and so on. I walked down the aisle to get Jonah's coffee, looked up and froze in my tracks.

It was Y/N. Pushing a stroller. With a baby in it. Crap.

-Jonah's POV-

I walked into the aisle where I knew my coffee beans were. I looked up to see Daniel at the other end. He was rooted to the spot. I soon saw why. Y/N was in front of him. She hadn't noticed either of us. Only then did I notice her hand on the handlebar of a stroller. I made eye-contact with Daniel. He nodded and left the aisle. I walked towards Y/N. "Is this why you left?" I asked from behind her making her jump. She turned around and spotted me, her eyes going wide. "Umm, hey Jonah." She whispered checking on the baby. "You didn't answer my question. Did you leave because you were pregnant with my child?" I asked again. Y/N sighed. "Yes." She said and the baby started crying. Y/N groaned but unbuckled the kid and bringing the baby to her chest to calm their crying. "Why?" I asked. "We had talked about kids and you said you weren't ready. You said you didn't want kids. You said that a kid was so much responsibility and that it wasn't the right time. So, when I found out I was pregnant with your child, I did the only thing that made sense to me. I left. It was better for you. You wouldn't have a child weighing you down or holding you back from your full potential." I shook my head. "That was in that moment. If you had told me we could have worked it out babygirl. I wouldn't have kicked you out. I could have been there for you during the pregnancy, I could have been the one to get you green grapes in the middle of the night or whatever it was that you craved. I could have been the one to hold your hair back when you threw up in the mornings, I could have been the one to walk around with a broken hand for 6 weeks cause you crushed it during labour." Tears were brimming in Y/N's eyes. I reached to wipe them away just like when we were dating. She smiled against my touch. "You have a daughter." She whispered. "What?" I asked. "Meet Alannah Jo Frantzich." She said passing me the baby. I smiled and let a tear fall down my cheek at the sight of my daughter. 

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