Jonah - You're Husband and Wife Youtubers | AU

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A/N: some minor details that you guys need to know - in this series of imagines you are husband and wife and you have a youtube channel. For this imagine your fandom is called The Frantics (play on your last name) and you're pranking him with pretending to join the army. You are still friends with the other guys.

You started recording as soon as Jonah left. You were going to prank him and tell him you decided to join the army. This was the perfect prank because a) Jonah was most likely to cry and b) this was something you had considered when you were only dating. It had crossed your mind many times and Jonah knew this.

"Okay, welcome back to another video my wonderful Frantics. Today is a another Prank Wars video and I'm going to be pranking Jonah, obviously, by telling him that I'm going to be joining the army. Now, this was something that I have brought up when we were only dating. However we are now married so his reaction might be different. But we'll see how it goes." 

You placed the camera down and paused the recording. You then walked to your garaged to pick up the bag your brother dropped off which was full of army clothes. You knew that Jonah would provide a reaction for your subscribers. So you put on the outfit and started the recording again. You placed the camera in beside the kettle and brought the toaster infront before sitting at the kitchen island waiting for Jonah to come home. He eventually did. He entered through the garage before dumping his keys, phone and wallet on the kitchen counter beside you. He still hadn't noticed what you were wearing. 

"Babe?" He asked seeing you sitting there on Tik Tok. 

"Yes honey?" You looked up, closing Tik Tok and turning off your phone. 

"What are you wearing? I thought we discussed that you were passed your time for the Army?" Jonah's brow creased. 

You bit your lip. "Gordon (your brother) asked me to join and I said yes."

Jonah looked like he was about to cry. You stood up from your seat and walked over to him. Wrapping your arms around his waist you just stood. It took Jonah a second but he then buried his head into your neck and held you tight. After 10 minutes you felt something wet seep through your jacket. You pulled back.

"Babe? Are you crying?" You asked and Jonah looked up. His eyes red and puffy, his nose about to run. He nodded sheepishly. You smiled at your sweet boy. "Babe don't be sad! You'll still get to see me!"

"No I won't!" He cried. "You'll be off in another country fighting for the one we live in and I won't even know if you survive till I get army officers standing at the front door."

You loved your husband with all your heart but this was too much. While Jonah was the most emotional out of the boys, he still wasn't a crier. You had to tell him it was just a joke. But before you could say anything, he kept going.

"I won't get to wake up next to you everyday. I won't be able to help you calm down when you've had a stressful day and I can guarantee you will have one everyday joining the army, and then we won't be able to have a family cause you'll be away all the time and I don't want you to be away, neither will Corbyn, Jack, Daniel or Zach. They all love you! Let me call them now and tell them. Maybe they will be able to convince you." He pulled away reaching for his phone. You grabbed his arm.

"Baby?" Jonah turned to you. "I love you."

Jonah nodded. "I love you too sweetie. You can go if this is what you really want."

"I'm not going..." You whispered. Jonah's head whipped around to you.

"You're not?" He asked

You shook your head and pointed behind him to the camera wedged behind the toaster. Jonah dropped to the floor.  You grabbed the camera and followed.

"So Jonah, how do you feel?" You asked. Jonah looked up at you and glared. 

"I really thought you were going..." He whispered. "I hate you."

You laughed. "You love me. Anyways, thats it for todays video! I hope you enjoyed it and don't forget to..."

"Like, subscribe and turn on post notifications so that you get notified every time Y/N pranks me." Jonah said laying his head on your shoulder and you chuckled. 

"Until next time! Goodbye my dudes!"

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