Corbyn - You're Husband and Wife Youtubers | AU

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A/N: some minor details that you guys need to know - in this series of imagines you are husband and wife and you have a youtube channel. For this imagine your fandom is called The Bessies and you're pranking him with fake divorce papers. You are still friends with the other guys.

"Hey my wonderful Bessies and welcome back to another video!" You sang into the camera you were holding. "Okay, so Corbyn is currently helping Zach and Kay move back into their house after having their baby so he's out of the house. What we're going to be doing is reigniting the prank wars and I'm going to be pranking Corbyn with fake divorce papers. To be perfectly honest he's probably going to hate me after this but make sure you comment who's team your on but for now this is a Team Y/N video!"You said making your way into the kitchen, where the fake divorce papers were sitting on the bench. You turned the camera around to show your fans the fake divorce papers. "You guys, these look so legit. It has everything from our address to the day we got married, to who will get custody of the dogs, Pepper and Lola. Of course that will be me. Oh my gosh Corbyn's going to freak out you guys. Okay so, I'm going to sign here and then put the papers somewhere Corbyn will find them, most likely on the kitchen table which is where he typically dumps his stuff when he arrives home. He should see them. I'm going to leave the house and take a camera with me so we can see what he does from my perspective." "Okay so, we have Life 360 which means I can see where he is. I'm also going to turn off my location and we'll see what he does." You explained what would happen and then you set up the camera in the curtains where you knew Corbyn wouldn't find it. "Okay so I'm going to go ahead and leave now - and to the the future Corbyn I'm sorry baby." You then turned on your heel and left the house in your car. 

*10 minutes later* -Corbyn's POV-

Zach and Kay's baby girl is too cute. Driving home I was excited to tell Y/N how cute her niece was and how much she looked like Kay already and she's only a couple days old. I pulled into the driveway to see Y/N's car spot empty. She must have gone out with her friends, to double check where she was I checked our Life 360 but her location was off. I frowned. That's odd. Maybe she just hasn't turned it back on after our time off. I shrugged it off deciding to trust my wife rather than bug her about where she was. I clambered out of the car and walked inside. I dumped my stuff on the kitchen table when something caught my eye. It was Y/N's wedding and engagement rings sitting on top of some papers. With a closer look I saw they were divorce papers. What the hell? Since when did she want a divorce?! I looked through the pages and rolled my eyes when I saw she got full custody of Pepper and Lola, like we have two dogs for heavens sake! Let me have one of them. I kept flipping through the pages and saw that she had already signed it. What the fuck? I rubbed my hands over my face trying to get my head around this. Surely this is a prank... Right? I mean our relationship is in such a good spot. We haven't fought in like 6 months or something, we've been married for nearly 2 years and all of a sudden she wants a divorce. I moved to the kitchen table and tried to call her. She didn't pick up. I groaned and tried again. She didn't pick up that time either. I huffed and went to call Jack - he was her best friend and she told him everything, he introduced us. He picked up after the 4th ring. "Hey man. What's up?" He said. "Hey Jack. Has Y/N mentioned anything about me in the last couple weeks? I just got home to find divorce papers on the kitchen counter along with her wedding rings." I explained. "No. That's weird. Has the thought crossed your mind it might be a prank for the Bessies?" He asked. I nodded even though he couldn't see me. "Yep, I've even checked for the camera but I can't see it. She's also not home and I don't know where she is." I heard Jack sigh. "I'm sorry man. She really hasn't said anything. If she had I would have told you so you could try and fix it." I huffed. "Okay, thanks bro." "No worries. I hope everything works out." He said before hanging up. I sat at the table with my head in my hands as I felt my eyes well up with tears. Oh gosh. I can't believe this is happening. She's signed it so maybe she's serious. I can't tell anymore. I was about to pick up the pen to sign when I heard the garage door open. For the love of god let that be my wife. I heard a car door slam so I knew they were coming in. The door into the house slowly crept open and Y/N walked in. I whirled around. "Baby..." I whispered. She didn't even look to me. "Babe! What is this?" I called slightly sterner making her jump. "Exactly what it looks like Corbyn." She answered. "Can you sign it please?" I shook my head. "What the fuck! No, of course I won't." I said now getting angry. "Baby girl, we're in such a good spot. What happened that made you want to file for a divorce? Did I do something? What happened?" I asked. "It's not you. It's me. I swear it's me and I wanna live my life Corbyn! I wanna go out! I wanna be a 24 year old girl!" I was shocked. "So you wanna go sleep around? Go for it! You wanna go get black out drunk? Go for it! But don't come crying back to me when something happens!" I said grabbing my keys from the table again. As I headed for the garage door I felt a hand on my arm. I looked back to see Y/N smiling. " I got you..." She whispered. I groaned knowing exactly what she meant. "Of course you did." I said. "Where's the camera?" She giggled and pointed to above the blinds where the camera was resting. "How did you get it up there?" I asked laughing "I used your little ladder." She said. I laughed again before reaching up for the camera. "You guys suck." I said kissing the top of Y/N's head. "Oh but you love us." I laughed. "Yeah I do. You did good with that one." Y/N smiled. "I had the boys in on it too." She said smiling. I groaned as I realised Jack did seem a little sketchy. "Of course you did. I even called Jack after you didn't pick up twice." Y/N laughed and turned to the camera. "Well there you go our wonderful Bessies! I just pranked him and totally fooled him. We hope you enjoyed this video and Corbyn's reaction. Please make sure to comment, drop a like and subscribe to become one of the Bessies!" Y/N said into the camera. I nodded. "See ya next time Bessies!" I said stopping camera. "You know I hate you?" I asked Y/N making her laugh as she walked behind the kitchen counter. "I know you love me." I rolled my eyes. "You would be correct babe." I said kissing her.

A/N: Hey guys! Make sure to vote and comment. I have heaps of ideas stores up but if there is anything you want me to do, let me know!

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