Daniel - Love Back

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The same way you left your lipstick on my glass

It was a trait of yours. Wherever you went, you either wore a nude lipstick or a lip gloss so leaving a mark was normal for you. It was one of the things Daniel missed when he was on tour. He missed walking into the kitchen and seeing your glass or mug sitting by the sink with a lipstick stain on the rim. Perhaps that could change though. Daniel rolled over in his bunk and felt around for his phone and pressed your contact. All the way back in your house you rolled over as your phone started to vibrate. You sleepily picked it up not bothering to look at who was calling at 3am. "Hello?" You groggily answered. You heard a sigh. "Hey baby." A sleepy smile appeared on your face as you realised it was Daniel calling. "Hey Dani - what's up?" you asked, now sitting up in your king sized bed you normally shared with Daniel. "I miss you." You heard him whisper - he sounded like he was on the verge of tears. "Oh Dani, don't cry! I miss you too baby. I wish I could be with you." You pouted making Daniel chuckle slightly. "I miss seeing your stained glass in the kitchen." Dani mumbled. You giggled. "I miss you commenting on it." In a moment you saw Daniel's eyes light up. "Do you want to join us on tour?" He asked with hopeful eyes. Good lord those eyes. You could never say no to those eyes. You smiled. "Of course. It'll be good to see Corbyn again too - I haven't seen him since you guys left." Daniel had the biggest smile on his face. "Did I hear my name?" Was heard in the background and Corbyn stuck his head in the frame. "Bestie!! Hey girl, whats up?" He asked smiling. "Hey Bean. Not much - just catching up with my boyfriend at 3am." You giggled. Corbyn saluted and left the frame. "When can I join you guys?" You asked and Daniel launched into his plan. 

*2 Weeks Later*

You stood at baggage claim waiting for your luggage to come through on the carousel. You eventually saw it and walked to where Jonah said he would be. Yes, you were surprising Daniel and Corbyn a week early. You had Jonah in the plan - none of the other boys knew. You walked over and saw his mess of curls sitting atop his head. "Hey Jo!" You said and he looked up. "Hey Y/N." He said getting up to pull you into a hug. You both got in the car and drove to the arena where they would perform tonights show. When you were about 10 minutes away, Daniel started calling Jonah. Jonah looked at you and signalled for you to be quiet. You nodded. "Hey Daniel." "Hey Jonah, the boys and I were gonna go get some take away from some local place around here. Do you want anything?" "Nah. Thanks for asking though dude. I'll just have something when I get back." You could tell Daniel was nodding. "Where are you anyways? You left like 2 hours ago." Jonah chuckled. "Not important. I'll see you lads when we get back to the hotel." He said purposefully slipping out the "we". "Wait... We?" Daniel asked confused. "By Daniel!" Jonah called and hung up on him. You giggled. "They really are clueless, aren't they?" Jonah laughed and nodded. "Are you hungry?" You nodded. "What does the wonderful city of Sydney have to offer?" Jonah turned into another street and pointed out some places. "The boys should have left by now so we can stop by the hotel, bring up your bags and then get some food. There's MacDonalds - which we learnt the locals call Maccas, then there's KFC and Hungry Jacks. Hungry Jacks is basically Burger King for the Aussies." He explained pulling into the parking lot of the hotel. "Well, I've never heard of KFC so let's try that." You say before pulling your bags out of the trunk. You walked into the hotel and put your bags into Jonah's room to hide them from the boys, in particular Corbyn and Daniel. Daniel would recognise your suitcase from a mile away. Let's go get some food and then we'll put the lipstick glass out." You laughed knowing Daniel would see it. You got your food and made your way back to the hotel. You entered the room where the boys would congregate. It consisted of a dining table big enough for the five of them, a kitchen which was littered with little dishes (typical) and a small ish living room where Jonah currently sat. You smiled when you saw Daniel's producing stuff on the kitchen island and you saw one of Corbyn's necklaces sitting next to it. They must have been working together on something. You jumped when you heard voices outside the door. The cup was already out on the island sitting next to the laptop. You looked to Jonah, who nodded and you slipped into Daniel's room. You heard Daniel, Corbyn, Zach and Jack walk into the room and greet Jonah who you assumed was still sitting on the couch. After 5 minutes you heard Jack snicker. "Yo Jonah, who came over in like 20 minutes and then left again?" He said. He must have seen the lipstick stained cup. "No-one." He said. This was your queue. You were to now enter Daniel's bathroom and turn on the shower. Without getting in. "You sure?" Zach asked. "I just heard a shower turn on." Jonah laughed. "Yeah I'm sure." Heavy footsteps came to the door that was closed and it slowly opened. Jack came in. He saw you sitting on the bed and he went to yell but you clamped a hand over his mouth. "Shut up. Neither Corbyn or Daniel, especially Daniel, know I'm here. Shut your pie hole and don't say a word." He nodded and left the room again. "There's no one there." He said. "Are you sure?" Daniel asked. You heard Corbyn agree. "Yeah, a shower doesn't just start running without someone turning it on. It's science." You stifled your giggles. "Zach go check. Jack must have missed something." You heard Zach groan but footsteps approached the door anyways. The door slowly opened and Zach appeared. You put a finger to your lips and he winked before walking out of the room. "There's nothing there." He said. "I don't believe you." Daniel said and came to the door - it opened and he dropped to his knees. Corbyn ran in after he heard the thud. Daniel was still frozen on the floor. "Hey baby" You whispered. Daniel smiled and wrapped you in a big hug. Corbyn waited for you two to have your moment before he joined you. 

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