Zach - Love Back

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Baby, I just want my love back

It had been a two days since your fight with Zach and to say you looked shit was an understatement. Your mascara was smudged from sleeping with it on, you hadn't brushed you hair, you were wearing the same clothes you were wearing when you had the fight. A pair of black shorts and one of Zach's shirts. Your brother and best friend had come to check on you multiple times but you just pushed them away. You launched yourself off the bed and walked downstairs to get some food. You were starving. You reached the kitchen and set about making toast. Something simple and easy to get you moving again. You had just finished buttering your toast when the doorbell rung. You groaned but went to open it anyways. You were greeted with the one and only Jonah. "What do you want Jonah?" You asked. "Zach's the same." He simply said coming inside. You frowned. "What do you mean?" Jonah sighed. "He eats small meals like the toast sitting on your counter, he's been wearing the same clothes for days. He's not looking after himself. He's shutting down Y/N, you gotta come and see him." You thought about it for a moment. You hated that Zach was shutting down, you hated that you made him shut down but at the same time did he know what he was doing to you. "Okay. I'll see him. But I want to go like this so he can see what he did." You said and Jonah nodded before leading you outside again. The toast on the counter forgotten. You jumped into the car with Jonah and he drove you back the their house. You soon arrived and Corbyn was there to greet you at the door. "Hey Y/N... he's upstairs in his room." You nodded and headed up the stairs to Zach's room. The path you knew off by heart. "Open up Zach or imma come in there myself."

-Zach's POV-

It couldn't be. That's not her. She doesn't want to see me. Not after what I said. I just let go, it's probably one of the boys playing a prank. The door burst open and there in all her shitty glory was Y/N. Her mascara was smudged, her hair was a mess and she was still wearing the same clothes from two days ago. "Get your ass up Herron." She scolded. I shot up. "Oh my god Y/N you look terrible." I breathed. She snorted. "You don't look much better." I sighed and sat back down on the bed. "I assume you didn't come here of your own accord...?" I said secretly hoping she did. To my dismay, she shook her head. "Jonah came and got me. I left and came here on the condition that I could see you the way I was - smudged mascara and all - so you could see what you did. So you could see how much you hurt me. So you could see I am utterly miserable without you. So you could see that I just want your love back." I lightly smiled. She moved and sat down next to me. "Why'd we ever fight?" I asked. "Dumb question Zach. Cause you accused me of trying to find someone better and then break it off with you. But seeing you know, I know I can forgive you because these things happen in a relationship and thats the signs of a healthy relationship. I love you Zachary Dean Herron." I laughed. "Baby, I'm glad I got my love back."

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