Part 14

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"Why aren't you dressed?" Mick looked Lindsey up and down, frowning as they stood in front of each other, the doorstep of Lindsey's home separating them.

"Dressed for what?" Lindsey responded with a question as well. "And whatever happened to saying, hello?"

"Hi." Mick said. "There's no time. Come on." 

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Lindsey had gotten out of bed not that long ago, the hangover wasn't helping either.

"The wedding?" Mick emphasized, his eyes growing wider. "Stevie's wedding?"

"Oh, fuck that!" Lindsey shook his head. "You're insane if you think, I'm going to be a part of that circus." He let go of the door handle just now to cross his arms over his bare chest.

Mick sighed, he didn't expect this to go easily. "Listen. I completely agree with you, but I'm also Stevie's friend and friends support each other. I just think that maybe if you're there and she sees you..."

"What, she's not gonna go through with it?" Lindsey scoffed. 

"Well, yeah." Mick shrugged, straightening up to smooth out his vest. "We cannot let this happen, Lindsey."

"Look, Mick." Lindsey sighed heavily. "You have no clue, how many times I'd tried to help her during this last tour. I was there for her, I tried being her friend, but she just doesn't give a shit about me. She's nice to me, when it's convenient for her, when she wants to get fucked, but that's it." He shrugged one shoulder, chewing on his bottom lip for a second, before he continued. "I'm done. I'm done with her bullshit. She didn't want my help, when I offered it to her, so, no. I'm not going with you, I'm not going to be a guest at her wedding. If she wants to completely ruin her life then so be it."

"You don't mean that." Mick argued weakly. Even if he'd known them for years now, he still, to this day, couldn't figure out the complexity of Buckingham Nicks. "You do care."

"Not enough to do something about it." Lindsey replied, sounding like he meant it. "I'll save your time by telling you that I'm not going. You can beg, you can do whatever you can think of, but I'm staying right here."

Sighing heavily, Mick cocked his head back, clenching his fists at his sides. "There's nothing?"

"There's nothing." Lindsey confirmed.

With that, Mick turned around and walked back to his car. A minute later he was out of Lindsey's driveway, who stood, watching him leave to witness Stevie getting married. Fucking married. To some random guy.

Meanwhile, Stevie was in her bedroom all alone. The guests had started arriving, a couple of her friends along with her mother were welcoming them and showing to where the ceremony was going to be held. She was nervous. No, that was an understatement, she was a wreck. She had convinced herself that she was doing the right thing, that getting married to Kim an hour later was what she was meant to do. There was no backing out. If she did, she would look stupid, she would disappoint Kim and Matthew. They needed her. She needed them.

A light knock on the door caught Stevie's attention. She turned to look, when the door opened and smiled at her father, coming into the room.

"It's time." 

"Oh, it is?" Stevie chuckled nervously, wishing her father had waited a couple more minutes. "Well." She took a deep breath and rose to her feet. "Then, I guess, I'm ready."

"Are you?" Jess asked, laying a hand on her shoulder. "You don't have to, Stephanie."

"Yes. Yes, I do." She nodded, looping her arm through Jess'. "Come on, I don't want to keep the guests waiting."

It wasn't a joyous occasion. A lot of people accepted the invitation and were currently occupying several rows of chairs, separated by a short aisle. However, that didn't stop any of them from whispering and shaking their heads as Stevie came out, a bright smile on her face, her father by her side. 

"Dearly beloved..."

Stevie zoned out after those words. Her breathing grew heavy and her hands were cold and sweaty. She wished for just about anything to happen in order to stop the ceremony. If she could, she would have made herself sick. A natural disaster. Someone calling with shocking news. Anything. 

"Do you, Stephanie-"

"She doesn't!" 

Heads turned, people gasped as they looked at the person, the only person, who dared to speak up.

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