Part 20

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"Dinner got awkward." Lindsey said as he opened his suitcase in search of his toothbrush. 

"What, why?" Stevie frowned, laying out her nightgown on the bed. "Do you mean dad?"

"Yeah." Lindsey nodded and grabbed a clean t-shirt to sleep in as well. "The fact that your parents know, we've had sex, is mortifying."

Stevie chuckled, approaching him, she cradled his face in her palms. "I'm a grown woman, Linds. I was embarrassed that dad even brought it up."

"It's only fair." He shrugged, a glimpse of a smile on his lips, he covered one of her hands with his. "I'd be the same way if I had a daughter."

"I thought, you'd want a son." She pulled away, hugging herself around the middle.

"Are you kidding? Pass up on a chance of having a little Daddy's girl?" Lindsey shook his head. "Never." The conversation about children found its way in quite often lately, but it was a touchy subject and he didn't want to dwell. "Can I go to the bathroom first?"

"Yeah, sure." Stevie showed to the door, looking forward to a couple of minutes alone. More than anything, she wanted to be the one to give him a child. 

While Lindsey was out of the room, Stevie took down some of the pillows from the pile her mother had left. It seemed that only now she realized how small the bed was. The last time she and Lindsey were that close was after he had made her leave the wrap party at the end of October and that was months ago. They hadn't even kissed since then. She feared that she could get tempted for that to change as soon as they lay down together, she'd hate to ruin the progress they'd made.

"It's all yours." Lindsey returned, ready for bed. 

"I'll be right back." Stevie smiled at him on her way out.

Folding the t-shirt he'd worn all day, Lindsey put it back in his suitcase. He yawned as his eyes settled on the bed, which was calling his name. He wondered, how he and Stevie were going to fit in it and have enough space to separate them. If he felt her press up against him, he might forget about all of the boundaries they'd set.

"Maybe, I should have taken the couch." Lindsey scratched his chin, still inspecting the bed, when Stevie came back. "I don't think, either of us is going to get much sleep."

"Uh, sure. If you want." Stevie replied, trying to seem unbothered by his suggestion. 

"I don't want to leave." He clarified. "I'm just... We haven't been intimate for a while together. I haven't been with anyone since you and I'm just afraid that I won't be able to keep my hands to myself if I stay."

"That's your only concern?" She asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Yeah, what else would there be?" Lindsey answered with a question and saw a smile forming on her lips.

"I think, we'll manage." She said and pulled the covers down.

The only comfortable position was back to front, which is how Stevie ended up being the small spoon. Lindsey did his best to adjust his body in a way that would cause as little contact as possible. He was uncomfortable and she could tell. She reached behind and searched for his hand, then wrapped his arm around her.

"Thank God." Lindsey whispered, making her laugh lightly. 

"I haven't been with anyone else since you either." Stevie admitted.

"Seriously? You mean, you and Kim... didn't..." He couldn't force himself to say it oud loud.

"Hell no." She quickly replied. "No, it never felt appropriate. You said it yourself, there was no love there. I might have lost my mind for a file, but I wasn't completely insane." 

"That's a relief." He sighed, burying his face in her hair. "I'm exhausted."

"I know, I can hear it in your voice." She squeezed his hand gently and smiled. "Get some sleep, Linds." She thought about it for a moment, before she added. "I love you."

"I love you, too." He didn't hesitate.

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