Part 25

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A few of months later


When Stevie released her first solo album, that was when Lindsey came as close to actually hating her as he ever had or ever would. The record was wildly successful, it sold extremely well and her career just skyrocketed. His own first solo attempt was no match. He was jealous, he felt overlooked and misunderstood. However, now as he accompanied Stevie to the release party of The Wild Heart, he was proud. She had a horrible year, she lost complete control of her life and yet, she managed to pick herself up and record a fantastic album, which received high praise from just about everyone, who had the pleasure of listening to it. He was still jealous, not because of her success, but because every single man in the room somehow still had hope as they looked her way even though she was clearly no longer a single woman.

"Thank you for being here tonight." Stevie smiled at Lindsey, who had not yet left her side. 

"You don't have to thank me." He shrugged, his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

"Well, it's important to me. Given how things were the last time." 

"I was an asshole." Lindsey admitted. "We don't have to talk about that." He pressed a kiss to her cheek. 


They turned their heads at the person, loudly yelling out her name, who clearly had had a few drinks in his system prior to showing up.

"Hi, Mick." Stevie smiled as she stood up and found herself wrapped up in his arms. "I'm glad you could make it."

"Wouldn't have missed it!" Mick shook his head, a wide grin across his face. They hadn't seen much of each other lately, so... "Hey, do you maybe wanna..."

"Uh, no. Thank you." Stevie declined. "I've been sober for several months now actually."

That seemingly shocked Mick. He looked over at Lindsey narrowing his eyes. "Is this your doing?"

"Nope. It's all Stevie." Lindsey faced her, wearing a proud expression. "You're gonna have to find yourself another party best friend."

"There's no match." Mick groaned. Even if he didn't show it, he was truly happy for her. "Well, I'm going to go mingle, find myself a substitute, I guess."

"Have fun." Stevie wished him, but Mick was already on his way.

Before they could sit down, another friend approached the pair. Stevie immediately let go of Lindsey and embraced Tom, who took the time out of his busy schedule as well. 

"Congratulations." Tom said, handing Stevie a glass of champagne. 

"Thank you. I mean it, Tom. You're a bigger part of this album than you could ever know." Stevie gushed, laying a hand over her heart. While she held his gaze, she kept her other hand low and handed the glass to Lindsey.

"Any time." Tom waved it off. "At first, you made a point of being a part of my life, now I kinda don't want you to leave." He laughed and so did she, while Lindsey squeezed out a small smile. He hadn't figured the relationship between the two out, but he wasn't going to ask Stevie about it either. "I'm going to say hello to some people." 

"Of course." Stevie nodded and they shared another quick hug.

"I'm going to be wasted if people keep bringing you alcohol." Lindsey said, when he and Stevie were left alone. 

"You don't have to drink it all, you know." She gave him a look, he shrugged. "I don't want to start telling people just yet."

He understood. "I know. Whenever you feel comfortable." He smiled and placed his hand on her still flat belly for just a short second. "I can't wait until you start showing."

"Right, you can't wait to see me get fat." Stevie rolled her eyes, then got silenced with a kiss. 

"You're beautiful and you're only going to get more beautiful." Lindsey insisted. "Because you're carrying our baby and that's..." Pulling back to just look at her for a moment, he got a little chocked up. "I've never thought we'd get to where we are today, Steph."

"Honestly, me either." She agreed, cupping his cheek, she kissed him again. "I've never been happier."

"I-" Lindsey didn't get to finish, when someone else caught Stevie's attention and she stood up to greet them.

Lindsey was going to tell her that he felt the same and it was true. Not that long ago, he believed that he had lost the only person, who had truly mattered to him, for ever. He had lost hope and he wanted to try and move on. He lied to himself and to whoever listened that he didn't care anymore. He had never stopped. In his heart, the hope was always alive. He smiled, when Stevie looked over her shoulder at him, and mouthed, I love you. Nothing else mattered to him but her and the family they were creating. He loved her and she loved him. He had promised to himself that he wasn't going to let anything or anyone ruin what they had and he was going to keep that promise for the both of them.




Thank you for reading! Mirage is a difficult era for me, but I've wanted to write something set during the time for a while. I've done it, but I don't think that I'll revisit it again. Anyway, thanks! ♥

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