Part 24

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Lindsey didn't receive a verbal response, however, when Stevie raised her arms up and locked them around his neck, her lips pressed to his, he understood. Circling his arms around her waist, he pulled her in closer, trying to keep up as she kissed him almost desperately, refusing to let him go.

"Hey. Hey..." Lindsey managed to break their lips apart, he cradled her face in his hands and smiled. "It's okay. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm just..." Stevie swallowed uneasily, unsure of what to say really.

"I'm right here." He repeated himself and gave her a much gentler kiss. "And because we're the only two people in this house, I'm going to make love to you to make up for the past several months."

His words satisfied her. Taking him by the hand, she turned towards the staircase and led the way to the bedroom. He pulled her in for a kiss again. While their lips slowly moved, so did their hands. She eased his jacket off his shoulders and reached for the hem of his T-shirt, lifting it up over his head, she tossed it on the floor. His task was a little harder, given the more intricate design of her blouse. He was grateful that she still refused to wear a bra, which meant he didn't have to deal with it as well. His thumbs hooked around the waistband of her skirt and pushed it down her legs. She reached to unbuckle his belt and popped open the button on his jeans. 

"God, I've missed you so much..." He whispered against her lips, before she captured his again.

Taking a step forward, he made her take on back until they reached the foot of the bed. He lay her down and she scooted up a bit as he followed, his lower half now pressed against hers. He interrupted the kiss once again, this time to leave a trail down her neck with his lips. His palms closed around her breasts and she sighed softly at the touch. If they had time, their foreplay would usually last for a long while, but not right now. She'd missed him too much to wait any longer. 

She dug her nails into his back muscles to catch his attention and he moved back up. He received the message loud and clear. As he kissed her, his hips thrust forward, causing a low moan to pass through her lips. She wrapped her legs around him, keeping him as close as possible as he moved with ease, his eyes never leaving hers. For the first time in a very long time, he believed that this mattered to her. They weren't just having sex, she was emotionally invested and he had truly thought, he might never see it again. 

"I love you." She said, running her fingers through his curls. Her hand stopped at the back of his head and she brought him in for a kiss. Another first. She was never the one to admit her feelings out loud first. 

"I love you, too." He told her, pressing his forehead to hers, hope in his heart that when the morning came, she wasn't going to ask him to leave. He didn't want to leave. Ever.

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