Chapter 1

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There were some days i loved my job, even though these days were few and far between. Mostly cause of your boss, you loved it when she wasn't there but hated when she was, you were her assistant for three years now, witch means taking notes, appointments and set up board meetings, get her dry cleaning, get coffee and make sure the girls she fucked left without even trying to contacting her as they had to sign a waiver to be with her.

She was everything i would expect in a girl, long black hair, lean and tone body, dark eyes maybe like her soul and sharp jaw line that i could just cut myself smacking her handsome face, i had thought about slapping that face more then one occasion. Tall, british, always wore well tailored suits and an arrogant, cocky, bitch. She always had a girl on her arms most weekends or events, which i hated cause i had to deal with these womens thinking they were better then me and think they could boss me around, and i hated attending the events, though i got to stand off in the background until she needed me. I normaly just wore a business suit, as i did not see a point in wearing something nice.

Today was my brother's birthday, the only family i have, he and i moved to London to have a better life. I was in a scramble to get everything done as early as possible, i was at my  desk just outside her office when i heard her yell for me.

Great  i huffed as i made my way to her office

"You wanted to see me Nash?" I tried to hide my  announce as i walked into her office

Though, i loved the view, i could see all of London, it was breathtaking

"Yes, can you get these papers finished, i'm leaving to go get my sister from the airport, i expect you can handle the rest of this" her voice always was so arrogant and demanding

"Can these papers wait until Monday? I have a birthday party to go?" I  asked, knowing it wasn't a good idea but i have been loyal to this arrogant cock, at her beck and call day and night i never asked for anything, but she only scoffed

"Then you better hurry and get those done" she hissed

Yup, i should of just kept my mouth shut

I  left her office without another word, as i sat back down to get to work on those papers, i watched as she walked out and down to the elevator, rolling my eyes at her as i send a quick text to Kate, my brother's girlfriend and my  bestie.

Going to be late

Let me guess, your boss?


Well hurry up bitch, Stefan is asking for you, or do i need to come and  punch your boss for you?

Lol if i don't do it first, see you soon

Finishing up those papers as i set them back on her desk, i looked at the time, i had time to get home and change, i'll still be running an hour later but i wanted to get out of my business clothing.

Traffic was on my side today as i drive home, i  live in a nice Condo in the heart of London. As soon as i got in that door before it was even closed i started stipping, kicking the door shut.

Fixing my makeup, pulling my hair down from the bun, i  decided to leave it down for the night, i  went with a short green satin dress and a pair of black heels, to finish it off i took my  black leather jacket.


"Well holy shit, look at you miss mills, that boss of yours give you a night off?" Kevin purred at the door, he was one of the bouncers there, i gave him a hug

"Hey Kevin" i  smiled and did a little torn for him  "I'm never on a night off, still on call as always" i  held up my  phone

"Sheshh, that woman is going to run you to death, or maybe you might give her a heart attack tonight, looking like that, does she even know that there's a hottie hiding under all that business attire?"

"She wouldn't know how to handle me, i'm not one of her bimbos" i waved at him as i walked in

It was busy as normal, as i weaved in and out trying to get my  brothers table, i spotted Kate and my  brother

"Happy birthday" i  wrapped an arm around his neck kissing his cheek "Sorry i'm late"

"Well you are excused if you gave me another kiss" my  brother said, i just rolled my  eyes and gave him another kiss

As the night went on i  had a few drinks but not a lot, Kate tried to either get a girl for me or a guy, i just sat there pushing everyone away from me.

"Merida look at those hotties over there, they keep looking over here, i swear the dark haired one has been eyeing you all night" she winked

As i  looked up to see my  boss in the corner with another girl. The girl sitting next to my boss had brown hair, and blue eyes, i  almost spit my drink out as i turned quickly, hoping my  boss didn't recognize me.

Lucky for me she didn't but she was eyeing me, her sister that was with her had pointed me out.

"Humm, not my type, maybe the blue eye one" i said

"Oh she is soo your type" she giggled, looking back but both women were gone

"That was my boss Nash, i don't know how any girl can fall for her charm"

"You didn't tell me your dick boss was fucking hot, if i was not with Stefan i would let her fuck me"

"No she's not, i don't have a life because of her, i almost missed Stefan birthday because of her, she is arrogant, childish and has no remorse for others"

"Then why don't you quit"

"Who else would put up with her, she went through 10 assistance in 2 months before me, and i'm with her for 3 years now, and the pay and benefits are amazing. I live in a condo in central London and have a lamborghini, what woman wouldn't want that" i confessed

Meriada hadn't realized when she and Kate were talking about the  boss and how much a jerk she was, that Nash had walked up to their table with her sister. She was going to ask Merida to dance until she realized who she was, her jaw went slack as she listened, yes she was pissed and the thought of firing Merida right there had crossed her mind, but she was to damm hot in her little number to do it.

"Miss Mills" i heard from behind me as Nash cleared her throat, Oh fuck i was  screwed and not in the good way "I expect to see you tomorrow morning at the office to go over a few things, this is a command not a request" she whispered in my ear i froze not wanting to move or look behind me, i could feel her hot breath on my ear and hear the smirk in her voice

"Something wrong here love?" My brother asked as he came close to the table

"Oh shit" Kate said "I'll go talk to her and give her a piece of my mind" before i  could react she was off

"Were did she go" my brother asked again

"I don't know"

"Alright, did something happened, i mean your boss was here"

"Nop, everything is fine, let's just enjoy the party"

It was official i was a dead girl okay, worse then death, i was going to be an unemployed girll.


Max <3

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