18 The Reunion Part 5

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A few minutes after the previous chapter:

Astrid's POV:

I held my stomach as I laughed at how Minden ended up as Snotlout's date.

Minden was a really cool person to be around. She was funny and extremely nice and carefree. Almost like Ruffnut, except she wasn't nearly as destructive as the twin and she wasn't close to being a knucklehead like the male and female twins. She was a dating coach and that was the reason how she ended up at this reunion.

Turns out that Snotlout's mother was worried that her poor Snottikins may end up lonely oneday. (Really? I thought the answer was pretty clear.) So she forced him to go to a dating coach and that ended up to be poor Minden. She started coaching him about a week ago and hasn't really made any improvements yet in his attitude towards women so far, but Minden doesn't seem to worry about that too much. She is positive, though, that this reunion experience will humble him, because he had to actually beg Minden to come with him to the reunion, because she was the only girl that he knew would actually talk to him and would let him use as an arm-candy. But I am not so sure about that. I have destroyed him multiple times over the years and his attitude and ego has never waver once over the timespan. But I will let Minden find that out by herself.

Speaking of the idiot. He was still laying in a heap on the floor from when I knocked him out. He was snoring slightly and mumbling incoherent words that no one could figure out, but no one really cared. Although a senior did walk up to us to ask if he should bring a med-kit or something but we quickly assured him that he was just perfectly ok, just tired from a long week of "work" and luckily the senior took that as a suitable answer and left us to continue with our conversation.

And I couldn't help myself and felt extremely happy. This is just how I wanted to spend this reunion. Talking with my friends and catching up and having a nice time. Minden was a bit of a surprise, but I didn't mind making a new friend this evening. This was a reunion after all. A chance to reconnect with old friends and why not make new friends. And what made this reunion even more spectacular was that Hiccup was next to my side.

"How long have you been a dating coach, Minden?" Tuffnut asked, interested.

Minden took a sip from her like fifth champagne, of the last like twenty minutes, and replied, "That depends. I have been doing it as a full-time job for the last 9 years, but I started coaching when I was fourteen."

"Was it some high school drama couple?" Fishlegs asked.

Minden shook her head and downed the rest of the champagne and replied, "Nope, it was my parents' marriage. It was the first time I was a successful dating coach and saved some people's relationships."

My eyes widened a bit at the news, but I didn't ask questions because I didn't want to get involved in her personal life. Especially something as personal as a parents' divorce situation. I can see how much it could affect a fourteen year old girl, but by how casual Minden was saying it, I don't think it affected her too much.

"That is interesting," Ruffnut said, as if she completely ignored the fact that Minden's parents almost divorced, "What was the most interesting couple you have ever coached?"

Minden turned her head around to signal one of the seniors to bring her a champagne and replied, "Mmmm, the most interesting couple I have ever coached was a lesbian couple. It was about a two month long 'project'. And it involved a few cat fights and a few death threats and one court meeting."

My eyes widened at the information, but Minden just calmly took two new glasses of champagne from the senior's tray and continued, "But I managed to get them back on track. But the thing that will forever haunt me was how they wanted to have a threesome afterwards with me." She shivered a tiny bit and took a big gulp of one of her champagnes and finished, "Luckily they left me alone after I called the cops."

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