i. a game of dig dug

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HAWKINS WASN'T NECESSARILY THE most interesting place to live in

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HAWKINS WASN'T NECESSARILY THE most interesting place to live in. Honestly, the most entertaining thing Christy had heard this week was that some High Schooler had gotten five exes just this week. That was very interesting― it was not interesting at all― to hear. Christy parked her bike in front of the Arcade and entered the building propped with video games. Christy walked where she knew Dig Dug. It felt nice being in the Arcade again, she had not been there ever since August last year, she had been in her room most of the time until that point she didn't give a damn about anything.

She was there, and so was somebody else. A girl with fiery red-hair was playing the game, it left Christy with wide eyes as her gaze rested upon the girl for perhaps a little too long. "Do you need anything?" the red-head asked.

"I―I, no! I don't, you're good at it." Christy said bluntly, she felt her cheeks heat up. The girl was just done with the game, now having the score off seven hundred and fifty-one thousand three hundred. That was above DUSTIN, CHRISTYRAN and BLANKSPACE. James still had his score on this game?

The girl smiled quickly. "Thanks. I'm Max by the way."

"I'm Christy, it is not the best but it's something at least." Christy chuckled merrily along with Max. Christy's chocolate brown eyes met Max's ocean blue eyes. Despite it being a stranger, she felt lost. As cliche as it may sound, Christy felt like she was drowning. "I, uh . . . could I perhaps play a little?" Christy said, before hurrifly adding; " I understand if you wanna play more of course!"

Max frowned, but her frown turned into a smile quickly. "It's fine, play one or two rounds I can wait." The brunette smiled at the ginger, she put a quartet into the small space on the machine and her fingers did the work.

"You're really good," Max looked at her hands when she looked behind her back. Christy was thankful she was turned around so Max couldn't see that she was mentally screaming at the top of her lungs. "Thank you― Max."

Such a pretty name for such a pretty girl, Christy thought to herself. Wow, wow, wow! Slow down there Christine! You can't think that about a girl, that's wrong! You don't even know her.

New Romantics, Max Mayfield (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now