x. angel from above

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YOUNG AND STUPID, YOUNG and in love, and afraid of all what if's and more. That sounds poetic doesn't it? The name Christine sounded poetical when Maria said it. Whenever the name slipped out it sounded like a choir of angels singing a song about life when Maria said it. All problems went away when Christine felt Maria's hand running through her hair. The hot days of summer where they would find a spot in a shadow and lay there in hiding off the sun's violent streaks of light in the summer. On winter days where Maria would laugh as her fingers got out the snow in Christine's brown hair after jumping in the snow and rolling around.

It all was awfully cliche Christy thinks to themself as the sun shines against their face― another cliche. With their hands folded as they looked at their shoes covering their feet, Christy allowed their toe to go up, biting away a smile as it got seen through the fabric of the shoes.

Max made them soft, and there was nothing wrong with all the emotions bottled up that now made a big explosion as it overflowed. Christy's path was to the arcade, don't you dare. Everything brought Christy one step closer to Max. No matter when, the redhead would fall into their brain and stay there as a ghost haunting a house.

Running a hand through their hair, Alex's comment about their haircut― "you entering your rebel era for the fifth time this year is looking good!"― made the slightest smile fall upon their features. Oh, Christy was going to be real butter if they kept going like this.

The familiar redhead by one of the games made the brunette mentally groan. Where was that ice heart when you needed it? But they stood their ground, waiting for Max's entrance despite the clear message saying that it wasn't allowed.

"Hey, Max! How are you?" Christy smiled, watching as Max's eyes rested on their face, then their hair. "I'm good." Max smiled back, her hand gently taking a hold of Christy's and heading towards the familiar path to the Dig Dug game. "Oh, and your new haircut? I love it." Max grinned, coming closer as she said the last, squeezing Christy's hand tighter before letting go of it.

Christy blushed. They had secretly been afraid that Max wouldn't like it, but when she turned out to do so a weight went off their shoulders. Christy watched as Max stared at the screen, when they saw that it stood OUT OF ORDER they wanted to curse everything.

Expect the beautiful girl beside them.

Yeah no shit, Christy!

"Sorry about that, Road Warriors." Keith told the two as he made his way towards them with his normal bag of some sort of chips. "What happened?" Max asked.

Christy forced themself into not sending him a glare. "Short circuit in the motherboard. A real bummer." Keith removed his hand from the machine and dug it back into the bag. "But fret not. I got another machine up and running in the back.

"Hold these." Keith said, handing the bag to Max who sent it a look before giving a nicer one to Christy, who was practically melting. Keith locked the door open revealing a Lucas Sinclair playing the game. Christy brought their hand to the back of their neck and began scratching the area softly. Max stepped in closely followed by her friend.

Lucas and Keith exchanged some words about Lucas having to get Keith a date or something? Christy really thought about who in their right mind would have enjoyed a date with Keith, but they let it slide for this time.

"What is this shit, stalker?" Max shot, stepping closer to the boy, Christy herself stepped closer, their arms still crossed but they were busy looking down at their shoes. "Sorry. I just needed a safe place." Lucas answered.

"A safe place to what? Be creepy?" Max said. Christy nudged her, in a way of telling her that it was too far. "Listen. I'm gonna tell you the truth about everything that happened last year. But if anyone finds out, you could be arrested." Lucas told her. He looked around himself. Furst now realizing that Christy was still there. "Possibly killed." he added

Christy raised their brow. "Last year?"


"I need to know," he said. "Do you accept the risk?"

Max threw her head back. "Oh, my god! This... this is so stupid." Christy chuckled softly. Max really didn't know all the things that had gone on in Hawkins. "Do you accept the risk?"

"Yeah." Max said. "Sure, Fine. I accept the risk."

And before Christy knew it, Max's skateboard was placed on the ground and she was seated in a chair. They got the clue and stood beside her. "Let's hear it." Max said, daring Lucas to tell her what was so mysterious and scary about the little town Hawkins. Lucas himself seemed stressed out, as if he was running out of time. "Last year..." he began. "Will didn't get lost in the woods. He got lost somewhere else."

"So what do you do?" Alex asks, handing Steve the flowers he was going to give Nancy Wheeler as some kind of apology thing. Alex found it stupid, but since he wasn't the one banging grils left to right each second day before, Steve found it smart to ask the more romantic dude in town for help. "I give her the flowers, try to make things up between us and maybe we get back together, maybe not. Make sure you'll not be far away?" Alex smiles and nods. Steve smiles softly back to the boy. "Stay here, Lex. If I don't get back in... ten minutes or so that means things went well and you can drive home. So I'll call you to pick me up. Okay?"

Steve walks out of the car as Alex watches him. Really, Alex didn't want Steve to do this, he had no idea why but he just didn't. It took only seconds before some guy took the roses and walked back towards the car, leaving both of the older boys in and out of the car. "You still have that bat?" the younger boy asked.

"Bat? What bat?" Steve wonders.

"The bat with the nails."

And this is why some people scare Alex. Some of them may have bats with nails.

authors note.
christy & drax 🤝 being invisible

( word count: 1,074k )

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