ix. right where you left me

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QUESTIONS ARE NOT MEANT to be easy to answer, questions are a thing that is supposed to awake curiosity in yourself

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QUESTIONS ARE NOT MEANT to be easy to answer, questions are a thing that is supposed to awake curiosity in yourself. Questions can have no answer. Questions can have no correct answer or an answer that is obvious. Beliefs are one thing your mind has forced itself on believing, it has been washed with different theories on how things work and their mind will deny any information denying what they believe in. Take a scientist, they once believed the earth was flat until someone explored the world outside our knowledge and found out that the earth was round.

So, when Christy asked herself, what was she doing with her life? Her mind allowed itself to wash her mind with what she does in a day. She wakes up every morning, eats breakfast and then goes to school. Eat lunch. Christy then gets home, eats a little snack when she has gotten home. About two to three hours later, depending on when Matthew gets home. She then does homework and some other stuff before she sleeps again.

When Christy thought about it, she did eat most of the day. That's why no one willingly hangs out with you, her mind laughs as it pushes her into a wall harshly, or it feels like it. Shut up, Max likes me. I think . . .

I don't think so, Christine.

Christine, Christine, Christine, Christine. Christy hates the way she wants to gag every time she hears it gets spoken, it haunts her. She hates the way it's so long, so innocently it sounds when it enters her ears. Christy seemed to fit her better.

She, she, she, she. From every corner it rose up when people were referring to Christy. It felt weird to be referred to as a girl, it felt wrong to refer to Christy as a human being at this point, it felt as if she was another species that didn't belong in the world with other humans. Christy looked like any other person, but she was some kind of creature that no one knew about. No one understood them.

Them, them, them, them. It felt better, more fitting to their soul. It seemed to make Christy's heart warm up, it felt as if they were referring to themselves and not someone else beside them (if people dared to get more than four feet close to Christy), it never felt as if people knew their existence.

New Romantics, Max Mayfield (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now