Chapter 2

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Boun's POV

''Today is my 18th birthday, and to say that I am excited would be an understatement. Today is the day, I will find my mate and my other half. I was ordered by my mother to get ready and wear some decent clothes. We will be going to the temple to worship Moon Goddess. My elder brothers have found their mate, only I am left. All the members of the family have to pray to the moon goddess even if they are mated or not. Being the son of the Alpha king, Everyone from the pack has to attend my mating ceremony. I am super excited to see who my mate is. After packing our offerings and all other stuff, we set off to the temple. The journey was of mare 30 minutes. After reaching, we changed our clothes. Women have to cover their heads with shawls and men have to wear cloth on their lower bodies.

We washed our hands and feet and went towards the temple. The priest was already waiting for us. The priest is like another form of God for us. It is believed that worshiping the priest is the same as worshiping the god. We greeted the priest and followed him inside the temple.

(I am too lazy to write what did they do and how they prayed...imagine it yourself.....)

After praying, we went towards the mate showing chamber. I heard from grandma that there is a big bowl of magical and holy water in the chamber. After praying and offer the gods, we go to the chamber. There the priest chants some mantra. After chanting the mantra, the magical water turns black and soon we are able to see our mate. ''

But in my case, the magical bowl was not able to detect my mate. Since then I am trying to find my mate. I tried many ways and magic but still could not find my mate. Now even my dreams are taunting me. I often dream about my mate and when I try to look at his/her face, I wake up. I even see the mating ceremonies in my dreamland. It is so difficult to think straight now.

No one's POV

Suddenly someone knocks and asks for permission to come in. Boun lets the person come in. The inboxing scent of that person just made Boun devour over the stranger, but Boun controlled it. He swirled towards the person and saw a stranger but that stranger was...................

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