4 years later

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The fact that Freya had distanced herself from Frida broke her heart. And she couldn't understand why. Had she done something? Had she said something?

Frida wanted to make it right again, but whatever she did, Freya always avoided her or just made the necessary conversation.

It broke Frida completely.

On the bright side, she got to spend time with her dragon. They had gotten incredibly close over the years. Even when he could leave, he stayed and helped her through her heartbreak.

They still weren't to the point of flying, but they were inseparable.

And, the man the man that had hurt Frida on that trip had disappeared. No one knew where he was, though Frida had found some suspicious bones in the cave where the dragon slept.


Frida had finally found a name for her dragon after finding out how he expertly turned into nothing and the fact that his scales had a shadowy look.

She called him Shadow.

They had also finally gone on their first flight, which ended in Frida almost sliding off his scales and onto the ground.

The second was better but Frida had turned sore after.

Then the third, she had brought a blanket, which made her almost slide off more easily.

The fourth, she brought a belt which helped a little but it wasn't convenient.

Then finally at the fifth try, she had made a saddle. It took four more tries until it was perfected.

Freya still refused to speak more than she had to her, but she was warming up.


Longer flights with her dragon, missions and business trips with her father, and a closer relationship with Freya after a lot of talking, though Freya was still being quite secretive.

She had also begun heavy training to strengthen herself up. Her father had also made her learn every type if fighting style imaginable.


The relationship with her father was even rockier than before.

The relationship with Freya was even more confusing than ever before.

She and her mother's relationship was amazing.

Shadow and Frida we're basically inseparable. But people were starting to suspect her whenever she would leave for long periods of time.

Now, she was trying to get through life as an adult, with a dragon and feelings for her best friend.

A/N: this is basically just a recap of what happened during four years. I might give some snippets in the one-shot stories. I just wanted to get into more of the action.

Hope you are taking care of yourself. Remember your physical and mental health is important.

Hope you have a blessed day/night/afternoon.

Love you all and home you enjoyed this small chapter.

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