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TW: abuse and homophobia.

Finally introducing Drago, I bet Janet Sara is exited.

Hope you will enjoy this chapter

It had been a couple of days since her first flight with a new leg for her and a new tail for Shadow. The days consisted of training, check-up, eating, and sleeping, and the occasional slap or hit by her father or the strange injections he would give her which made loose her mind to something else.

Today, she was going to be handed off to Drago Bludvist. Grimmel had made her train day and night to make sure that she would be presentable. She barely ate and rarely slept. She was surprised she was still able to hold it together.

She was on Shadow's back, flying above Drago's large ships. She saw Grimmel on the ground with two Deathgrippers, one on each side.

Frida was wearing some kind of white scale armor. She had made it herself from Shadow's scales. The armor had a chest and back piece, shoulder pieces, forearm pieces, and scale cloves. Her calves were also covered by a thick piece of scale armor and her boots were painted in crushed scales.

She also had a helmet/mask. It was covered in scales and had two slits for the eyes.

Frida saw her father approach a big man. Behind that man were three others, a really big man, a thin-looking dude, and someone who had the body of a woman.

Grimmel approached them and didn't even bow his head in respect. Frida felt her ears ring and she understood she had to land.

She flew down and landed just beside her father.

"And this is what I present to you, Drago. A warrior trained to kill," he said.

Frida still had her mask on, and she could guess that Grimmel hadn't told them she was his daughter.

She jumped off Shadow and stood beside her father.

"Kneel," she heard him whisper. She bowed her head and was about to get on one knee when Grimmel roughly shoved her to the ground.

She kept herself on one knee as she tried to listen to what the other people had to say.

"Check them, Griselda," a deep voice said. Frida hadn't even gotten a good look at any of them, but she guessed it was maybe Drago talking.

Frida felt her chin being lifted up and she looked into two amber eyes. Her helmet was taken off and she saw the slight surprise in her eyes.

"Your offspring Grimmel? Never thought of you as a family guy," she said, her voice laced with an accent Frida hadn't heard before. "A boy?"

"Sadly no. I was unfortunate enough to get a girl," Grimmel said, disgust in his voice.

"Sadly?" Griselda asked. She then looked at Frida's face and noticed the scar on her cheek and burn on her ear. "What happened to her?"

"An unfortunate thing, really. I was informed by my men that she was keeping a dragon as a pet. And also that she had an interest in women, a girl in the village," Grimmel said disgustedly.

Frida felt herself go red and she clenched her jaw to keep herself from saying anything she would regret.

"I took care of both problems. She got those scars since she wasn't willing to corporate?" Grimmel continued.

"When you say take care of it. I understand that you trained her and her dragon, but what about the girl?" Griselda asked as she stood up.

"I won't answer a woman," Grimmel said.

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