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A/N: last chapter. A little short but I hope you still enjoy it.

Frida landed on the campsite and was launched off Shadow when he landed.

He was asleep again.

"Why do you barge in?" The melodic sound of Heather's voice asked.

Frida was just so happy. She stood up and gave Heather a long kiss. Heather seemed surprised but soon melted into the kiss.

"I can stay with you. Forever," Frida said with a smile.

"That is amazing!" Heather said with a big grin on her perfect face.

"And I will never leave... I love you," Frida said.

They had never said it before, but Frida knew she wanted to say it. She loved Heather so much. She loved her so much it hurt to be away from her. Heather could tell her to walk into a Razorwhip nest and she would do it.

"What?" Heather asked, her eyes blown wide.

"I." Frida kissed Heather. "Love." She kissed her again. "You." She ended her sentence with a long passionate kiss.

"You mean it?" Heather asked.

"I have never meant something more in my entire life," Frida said.

"I love you too," Heather said with a smile.

They kissed again and Frida felt like it was for the first time. She never wanted to be away from this woman. She loved her, and she would protect her, even if it meant having to die to do it.

* * *

Frida opened the cage and carefully held her hand out for the dragon. He was nervous and scared so she took her time to let him get used to her.

He finally touched her hand with his nose and breathed out warm air.

"Good boy, now get out of here," Frida said and ushered the dragon to get away.

"Who is that?"

Frida turned. She was being watched.

Shadow landed beside her and she could see two figures in the dark and she heard one utter: "A Night Fury."

Frida quickly adjusted Shadow's tail and motioned for him to fire a blinding blast.

He fired and she heard the figures yelp. Shadow flew away and Frida saw Heather and Windshear fly over to them. Frida grabbed Windshear's paw and they flew away.

Little did she know, that this was the start of a whole new story.

Bonus! Drago finds the letter:

Drago was furious.

Frida had left. All hope of winning was gone. She was so ungrateful. He had given her everything. Food, shelter, safety. What more did she want from him?!

He stormed into his room and was about to throw something when he saw a letter on his nightstand.

He walked over to it and immediately recognized Frida's handwriting, though it seemed a little rushed.

What did she have to say to him that she couldn't say to his face?

He opened the letter and began reading.

Dear Drago,

When you are reading this I am most likely far away from here.

I heard what you said about drugging me into obedience and I couldn't stay here anymore. I don't want you to become like my dad.

I do want you to know that in the time I was here, you made me feel safe and loved. You and Griselda made my stay with you lovely. I loved the training sessions and the flights you let me take. I appreciate that you trusted me enough to let me fly on my own.

I hope you find what you are looking for. You deserve love in your life. But consider what you are doing.

Is ruling the world really what your parents would have wanted you to do?

Drago almost threw the paper when she mentioned his family.

She had no say in what they would want him to do.

I do want you to know that I love you. A lot.

You were like a dad. And towards the end, a little too much like mine.

I hope you find love.


Drago tried his best to hold back his tears. That girl was too pure for this world.

He had messed up, but he needed her to help him win the war against dragons.

He wasn't sure what he wanted, but it was too late to back down. He needed to complete what he started.

A/N: and that was it. The story is done. I hope you have enjoyed it.

I am planning on posting a modern AU, and I always have the one-shot story if you want to see something specific.

Hope you are all taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Both are very important.

Take some time off to do something you enjoy.

If no one has said it to you yet: I am so proud of you!!! You are doing amazing!!!

Hope you have a blessed day/night/evening.

Love you all, and as I said, I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. ❤💖❤💖❤💖

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