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TW: mention of death.

The picture is Frida's haircut, just imagine it white.

Hope you are all ok after that last chapter, and I hope you enjoy this one.

Frida felt her leg and left ear burn. It hurt so bad. She wanted to scream and to get whatever that was burning her off, but she couldn't. She couldn't move, she couldn't speak.

She heard someone shout and then felt herself being picked up, and then being put down on something soft. Frida felt bandages being wrapped around her leg and face.

What was happening? Where was Shadow? Why did her leg and face hurt so bad? Why was she unconscious? Was everything that happened just a bad dream or was it real? (She hoped it was the first one).

Frida felt herself lose her mind and darkness took over.

She felt something wet on her forehead. She could feel the light pushing at her eyelids and she slowly opened her eyes.

Frida squinted at the bright light that invaded her eyes once she opened them.

"You are finally up," she heard from beside her. She turned and saw the healer. Was she in her hut? Had she fell and knocked herself out? Was everything that happened just a bad dream?

"Where am I?" Frida asked.

"On a boat," the healer said and continued to dab her forehead with the wet rag.

"Why am I on a boat? What happened?" Frida demanded as she tried to get up but it was almost impossible. Her arms were aching and couldn't hold her up.

"You don't remember?" The healer asked worriedly.

Frida looked at the old woman. She remembered everything, but she didn't want to believe that it was real.

"Please tell me it was a dream," she pleaded as her voice began to break. "Tell me that I am in the village. That I just hit my head and got knocked out. Tell me that I dreamed everything. Tell me that Freya and my mom are outside that door waiting to be able to come in. Please."

The healer's face was full of sorrow as she shook her head.

"I won't lie to you Frida," she said.

Frida turned away from her and began to silently cry. She couldn't believe it. Freya was dead. Her mother was dead. Her entire village was on the run. Shadow had been captured and was probably dead. She had failed everyone.

"As far as I know, the villagers are all safe... If that is of any help," the healer said.

"Did they bring my mother's body with them?" Frida asked.

"Yes, I made sure of that."

Frida nodded and sniffed. She still couldn't process everything, it was way too much. She didn't want to believe it.

Frida moved back to the healer but felt that something was missing. With a confused look, she pulled away from the blanket that covered her body and saw to her horror that her leg was missing almost up to her knee.

"What happened!" Frida shouted.

"Your father's dragon "accidentally" spilled some acid on your leg and a little on your face," the healer said and covered her back up. "You are weak. You have been out for almost a week with your body doing its best to heal. I need you to drink some water and eat some food. I will bring it all to you."

"Fine," Frida said.

The healer walked out of the room and left Frida in complete silence. She could feel the boat lightly rock as she laid on her bed. She felt utterly exhausted, she could barely move her arms, and if she did, she could only move them a few inches.

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