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It had been a year.

Well, a little more, maybe two, Frida wasn't good at math. It had been a while.

She had gotten over what Drago had done to her a long time ago, she understood that Grimmel had pressured him into doing it. And no one could have known that the Bewilderbeast would have done such damage to her.

Frida had lately come to know Eret. He wasn't a bad man but he got on her nerves. He was always flexing his muscles and saying what a good catcher he was. Frida didn't believe him, he barely came with any dragons.

Grimmel hadn't dared to show his face at Drago's ships for the whole year, (maybe two), that she had been there. She felt safer than ever.

She had been sent out on a mission and was currently flying around on the open ocean. Drago said she needed to find out if there was another Bewilderbeast out there since he wasn't able to control most of the dragons they came by, which had him frustrated.

Frida hadn't seen anything and she had been flying around for hours. She could feel Shadow getting tired as well and she didn't want to drive him more than she needed to.

They finally saw an island in front of them. It had turquoise ice spikes sticking up from it, strangely familiar to what Drago's Bewilderbeast would shoot out of its mouth.

Shadow landed on the beach of the island and immediately collapsed.

"You can sleep anywhere," Frida said and got off his back. He was out like a light. "Lazy dragon."

Frida went over to the ice spikes and examined them. They were definitely the same. Either there was a Bewilderbeast here, or it had passed by this place.

She walked around for a while before she stopped. There were human footprints on the ground. And they were fresh.

Frida heard something snap and pulled down her mask before unsheathing her blades and turning around. She just managed to block the attack.

"Who are you?" A voice asked. It was from her attacker. They were wearing strange armor. The head had multiple spikes coming up from the head with two black eyes at the front. There were also splashes of blue around it.

Frida didn't answer but rather kicked the attacker back. They stumbled, clearly not having expected it.

"I don't want to fight. I just want to know who you are," the person said.

Frida scoffed. "Maybe don't attack the person you want to know."

She never once lowered her guard, neither did her attacker.

"Who are you?" The attacker asked again.

"No one important. What I do want to know is if you by any chance know anything about the dragon that created this giant ice structure," Frida said.

"That is none of your business," the person said. She studied Frida for a while before her eyes landed on the small mark on her armor. Drago had insisted on putting it there so people knew not to mess with her.

"So you are a part of Drago's army," the person scoffed. "I should have known. You are after the Bewilderbeast aren't you?"

"Drago is getting frustrated by how much it is spoiling his plans. I don't want it dead," Frida said truthfully.

The attacker didn't seem to believe her, but it was difficult to tell, because of their mask.

"Take off your mask, and I might just believe you," they tightened their grip on their staff.

"Yeah, I won't be doing that," Frida answered them.

The person attacked her with a vicious scream. Frida blocked and pushed them back.

They continued to exchange blows until Frida got unfortunate and her opponent managed to kick her mask off her face.

"Now, show me, who are you?" The person said again. Frida didn't bother to cover up and showed her face. "You are just a girl," her attacker breathed out.

"I am 20," Frida said, slightly offended.

The attacker seemed to study her before they lowered their spear and took off their mask. They looked like a woman, maybe in her early forties with red hair.

"I am Valka," the woman said.

Frida nodded, she didn't want to tell her her name. She suddenly heard water splash and she looked back. Her eyes widened as she saw a big, white Bewilderbeast.

It leaned its big head towards her.

Frida felt an immense fear in her gut. Her last encounter with one of those dragons wasn't exactly great.

She felt how it took a big whiff of her, and then how her clothes moved as he exhaled. Frida felt herself begin to hyperventilate and she tried her best to stay in the now and not where the immense pain had been.

The dragon blew a gust of cold wind in her face which caused Frida to shudder. It then got back in the water and swam away.

Frida exhaled and fell back. This dragon wasn't so bad. Maybe she would just not tell Drago about it and let it be, it wasn't causing any immediate trouble.

"So, you work for Drago," Valka said.

"I do," Frida said.

"I don't want you here. I realize you might be good, but I can't take any chances," Valka said.

"I understand, and I will leave," Frida said and stood up. "I thank you for your time."

Frida then walked away, there was no reason for her to be staying there when she wasn't going to be telling Drago about any of this. He would be mad, but Frida wasn't going to tell him where a good Bewilderbeast was.

She walked away from Valka, fully set on trying her best to forget this place to hopefully protect the dragons that lived here.

Drago would be mad.

A/N: sorry if this is bad, I just really wanted to post something, and I think that it is at least decent.

The story is almost done, guys. I don't know how many more chapters, but it is soon now. But don't worry, I am not done with the characters yet. I still have the one-shot story and a modern au with the same characters that I hope you will like.

You guys have no idea how many times Drago gets "corrected" to dragon. It is very annoying.

Hope you are taking care of yourselves both mentally and physically. Both are important.

Keep the friends you love and trust close.

Take some time off your day to do something you really love and enjoy.

If no one has said it yet, I am proud of you. Even if it is just the smallest thing, I am so proud of you. Keep going!!

Hope you have a blessed day/night/evening.

Comments and votes are appreciated.

Love you all so much and I hope you know you are amazing!!!

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