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It was pleasant morning. Unns was sleeping in her room and sunlight was falling on her face. That's when her phone rang. The caller id was "LOVE❤️🌏"  She immediately picked up.

Mnv:-Where are you? Don't tell me you are still sleeping!
Unns:- Umm yess😅
Mnv:- How can you forget that we were going out for breakfast?
Unns:- Sorry Sorry. I will be ready in 15 mins just pick me up.
That's when the bell rang and unns went to open the door. When she opened the door she saw Mnv standing there with a bouquet of daisy. She smiled and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

Unns:-you wait here I will quickly gt ready and then will go.
Mnv:- Don't worry. Get ready and we will go on brunch.(as unnati woke up at 12)

After some time unns was ready and they left for brunch. They were chit chatting and a waiter came to take the order.
Mnv:- Umm can I get the crambelled avacado with espresso.
Waiter:- sure sir and what would you like to have mam?
Unns:- she order so many things. And waiter left.
Mnv:- unns kitna khayegi? Meri moto!
Unns:- hawww mnv tune muje moto bola?
Mnv:- ab tu jo hai vahi boluga na!
Unns:- you just shutup!
Mnv chuckled and unns rolled her eyes .

Soon they had lunch and left. Mnv dropped unns and droved to his place.

The next day.
Unns left for her office as it was Monday.
Mnv was sleeping as he had a day off.
In the afternoon mnv reached unns office with the lunch.
As he reached he got to know that she was bussy in some meeting so he waited for her in the cabin.

This is it for the chp. Hope you guys liked it and if you liked it the pls vote and comment. Next chp is very cute.

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