Chapter 3

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It was early morning I think about 7 am, and I couldn't sleep at all, so I decided to go downstairs to get a glass of water. I left the room. But I slipped and fell on my leg.


"Ah fuck!" I heard a noise from below so I left the room and I noticed that Tom had done the same, we went towards the stairs and I see Y/n on the ground. Tom and I looked at each other and went down the stairs. "Y/n is everything ok?" "NO! I think I get hurt, I fell on my hip "

"Fuck Y/n you're bleeding! " Tom said.


"Thanks Tom, I didn't really notice it" I answered sarcastically "Come on, get up" Mattheo said taking me from my waist and getting help from his brother to take me to the couch.

"Let us check" Mattheo said "What-no!" I replied trying to get away from them "Y/n raise your skirt!" Tom said "Fuck it! I said no"

"Oh fuck, why not?" Mattheo said "I already told you, I don't like people touching me, especially when I get hurt, it makes me feel weak, and unconfortable" I replied confidently "God Y/n.. lift that fucking skirt please, you're literally losing blood!" Tom said "Okay, but just try to tease me or hurt me and I swear I'll kill you!" I said and let Mattheo slowly lifting up my skirt.

"Oh cute black panties, next time wear them red, I like them more" I glared at Tom "Shut up asshole" I looked towards Mattheo who was staring at my hip "What's wrong?" I asked him "Fuck Y/n how can you not cry you literally have an obvious wound and are full of bruises" he looked at me "I just don't like crying in front of people, anyway you don't have to care, hurry up so I can get out of this hell!"

"Ok quiet, relax beauty" "Shut up Tom please!" I said covering my eyes "Y/n...Is everything ok?" Mattheo asked "Stop asking me if everything is okay, do what you have to do, move!" "Ok sorry, Tom go get me the disinfectant in the bathroom" Mattheo said "I'm going"

"Here" Tom said handing Mattheo the disinfectant with a piece of cloth "Thanks, alright little princess, turn around a little bit" he said putting his hand on my waist and slowly turn it "Can you stay still?" "Shut the fuck up Mattheo, of course I can, I'm not 2 years old!" "Calm down! Tell me if I hurt you" I nodded

He started cleaning the wound very slowly, actually it didn't even hurt so much "Take a deep breath" "What why-" okay this part burned and so much "Fuck Mattheo!" I tried to take my leg off "Ah ah stop darling, you said you wouldn't move" Tom said holding me still "Fuck it!" after this I swear I'll kill them "Can you hold on a little longer?" "Yes, move though"

"Okay the wound is disinfected" "Great then" I started to get up but Tom put me down "You never stay still right?" "God what do you still want?" "Just tell me where else is hurting you, just to check there isn't anything broken" Mattheo said "Don't even think about it! I'm fin-" he touched me near the wound and I instinctively took his hand away and close my eyes for a bit "Did it hurt you?" he asked making a little smile "N-no" yes, of course he hurt me. "Are you sure because if he hadn't hurt you you wouldn't have reacted like this" Tom said putting his hand on my waist to keep me still "Tom what the fuck! I swear it didn't hurt me! " I said trying to free myself

"Ok so if I touched here then ..." "No no wait- "Mattheo touch me in the same place as before "Does it hurt?" "N-n" I tried to answer but that really hurts "Y/n!" he said pressing more and more "AM. I. HURTING. YOU?!" he almost yelled "YES!" I took a breath "Yes, you're hurting me, stop! " I couldn't help myself anymore, Tom and Mattheo looked at each other "What's wrong?" Tom asked me "It's just that, nothing" I closed my eyes "Y/n! What it's going on!" Mattheo asked "I feel weak okay! I don't want to feel weak next to you I feel inferior, so I've always acted as if nothing could ever hurt me, I've been like this since I was little"

"Y/n even if you don't like us very much let's say this, it doesn't mean we don't care about you, you don't have to feel weak, we're not the best brothers in the world but we don't want to be the worst either" Mattheo said taking me from under my chin I smiled "Mattheo is right Y/n, and then I like it when you smile do it more often" they hugged me for a while.

"Now, please tell me where it hurts, okay?" I nodded "Y/n words" "Yes it's fine" I replied "If i'm going to hurt you, you can shake Tom's hand" I looked at him giving him a fake smile and he smirk, "Are you ready?" "Yes" he started from where the wound was furthest away "Does it hurt here?" "No" I said holding Tom's hand that according to my grip was telling Mattheo if I was lying "She's telling the truth go ahead" he moved a little closer to the wound "Here? does it hurt?" "Tolerable" I said and Tom nodded "What about... here?" he touched me where there were more bruises "Does it hurt?" "Well .." he pushed harder "Ah n-no" Tom looked at me and then he looked at Mattheo "Mattheo stop, you're hurting her" he leave his hand "y/n? Stop saying bullshit please I'll end up hurting you" "S- sorry" "Don't worry, at least I understand where it hurts you, it's already a lot "

Matteo put a bandage on my wound while I was playing with Tom's hair to distract me "Ok I've done" Mattheo said "Wow thank you so much, I hope I'll never do it again" we all laughed together "Try to get up" Tom said taking me by my hips and Mattheo taking my hands "Guys I can do it" obviously I slipped and they took me "I can do it" Mattheo said copying my voice "Asshole" "What did you say?" "Nothing" I smiled.

They put me on the couch, and while mattheo was fixing my bandage we started talking "So Y/n how long have you been in the orphanage?" Tom asked me "I've been there for 12 years" "Fuck!" Mattheo exclaimed "I know it was quite boring there were only girls, most of them sluts" I replied "Wait, only girls ?!" Tom exclaimed "Yes why?" Mattheo and Tom looked at each other "Does that mean you're a virgin ?!" I looked at them with an annoyed face "My god, yes so now you want to make fun of me because I'm a poor fucking virgin!" "Calm down Y/n we do not judge you, breathe" Mattheo said "So no one has ever touched you right?" "Tom what do you mean?" "Nothing nothing, just to know, you know curiosity" I looked at them quite confused

"Y/n can I give you a massage?" Mattheo said putting his hands on my hips "What? No!" I tried to take his hands off but Tom blocked them.

"Tom leave me!" I said trying to free myself "Come on Y/n, however you have to rest, so" Tom didn't even finish the sentence that Mattheo took from my hips and turned me down on my stomach, "Just try to touch what you don't meant to touch and I swear- " Tom covered my mouth "Quiet, now relax, let us do it " "It's just a massage it's not the end of the world, you have to trust people in someway, I mean let them touch you Y/n, get over this, now relax" Mattheo continue, I just nodded.

I felt Mattheo's hand pull my shirt up, leaving my back uncovered "Oh cute you also have the matching bra" Tom said laughing "Fuck you Tom" I replied.

Mattheo's hand ran down my back until it reached my bra "You're right, Tom is very cute" I sighed when Mattheo took off my bra "Mattheo-" "What's up?" he said "I-I just" why am i stammering? "Mattheo I think Y/n is not very used to do it" Tom approached me "Right Y/n?" he whispered "Wow Tom, but who knows why!" "Y/n I'm not fucking you, don't worry" Mattheo said "Not yet" replied Tom smirking "Tom what the fuck!" I replied turning to him "Don't worry, I'm kidding, stay down" he said putting a hand around my neck to make me lay down.

"Just relax" Mattheo said starting to run his fingers on my back, making circular movements, I took a breath "Do you like it?" he asked and I nodded "Good" he started from the bottom and climb higher up to the neck.

Tom started to apply some pressure on my neck making my head tilt slightly "Am I hurting you?" he asked "No" "Are you sure" "Yes I'm sure".

Mattheo instead started to put pressure on the central part of my back, pressing down "Breathe" he told me before grabbing my hips and turning me around towards them.

I covered up myself, because the bra was unblocked, "Y/n, don't cover yourself, nobody looks at you" "You know Tom I'm not stupid" Mattheo approached me "Come on, arch your back a little" he said putting a hand under my back to tie my bra "Done!".

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