Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Xavier Phyton's POV

"What's your problem?"

"God, you are so immature."

"I wish I never met you."

"We are done. "

I woke up gasping. God, why can't I stop thinking about everything? Several years have already passed by. What is wrong with me?

"Xavier, babe. What's wrong?" Victoria cooed. Ugh. I had to deal with this. Just great.

" Nothing. Can you leave now?" I irritatedly said as I stood up an wore my shirt.

"Whaaaaat? Did I do something wrong? You had fun right? " she whined as she caressed my chest. I moved her away . She then pouted.

Why did I even put up with her again? Yeah, 'cause I'm stupid.

" Look, just to be clear, nothing is going on between us , Victoria. Now please do the world a favor and leave?"


" this is just some kind of an act of stupidity, okay? Now, leave."

"You jerk! Ugh!" She stormed out if of my room, carrying her things with her.

I pinched the bridge of my nose then sighed. Why did I even allow myself to become this conceited and egoistical jerk-player I am now? God.

Oh right. I'd do everything for her. Huh. As if she'd do the same for me.

I took a quick shower. As the cold water pricked my skin, I sighed again. Damn it. Why can't I move on? Why couldn't I be like her? I had to be this sentimental wuss. For fuck's sake, she got over it, so why couldn't I? Right. I was the only one who loved unconditionally, wholeheartedly.. unlike her. Damn. I should hate her right now, but seriously, Why. Couldn't. I?!

I treated all those girls unfairly, making them fall into my traps, thinking I cared about them. They even left their goody two shoes boyfriends just to be with me... When all I did was use them to distract my pitiful heart which was endlessly dedicated to her.

I stepped out of the shower and stared at the moist-filled mirror. I'm such a mess. A frigging mess.

I took a pair of black jeans, a black v-neck shirt and a leather jacket then wore it. After so, I grabbed my keys and left my apartment.

I rode my " newly treasured " motorcycle and headed off to wherever my mind took me.

I kept on thinking about her, wondering if even after all these years, did she ever thought about me, considered another chance.. I don't know. Maybe not. Maybe all she was occupied with were her good for nothing friends. Damn, I'm pathetic.

Suddenly, I stopped at the café where she and I started our relationship and I where it all also ended.

"Good morning sir." The waitress greeted me.

" A booth at the corner, please?"

"This way Sir."

When I was seated at my place she gave me a menu, and after a few minutes asked me my order.

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