Chapter 8

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The Last Time: Chapter 8

(Still in) November 2013, fall




"Stop being such a whiner baby." The grey-eye blonde mumbled in his evident French accent.

"But are we there yet?" The blue-eyed blonde pouted at him.

"Shut up. "The tall brunette said who tried to act serious.

"Wow, look who's talking." The auburn-haired girl said, her expression shocked but playful as she poked the brunette who smirked at her.

"Kids, please let there be peace. C'mon we're nearing the rest house." The raven black-haired girl chastised as she continued driving.

The ebony-haired tan lad laughed. "You just want to make out with daddy, a.k.a me."

Blissful laughter erupted from the group. William and Blair then continued playfully bickering with each other while Xavier remained laughing at Ashley- who was blushing like a newly ripened apple. After so, Casey persistently made faces at Zachary who tried to hide his smirks as he shrugged her off.

This scene took place approximately five --long-- years ago, when they were barely stressing over their High School graduation. They were just careless and worry-free teenagers going on a road trip.

They were heading off to their childhood lake house in which they built a medium-sized cabin- a feat they worked on themselves. William's parents, of course, bought it for them, and they went there for a myriad of summers, semester breaks, and the like. Ashley was the designated driver since she just got her license and she just had this inexplicable link to driving. Xavier sat beside her, with an overwhelming feeling of awe within him as he stared at his wonderful girlfriend. In this Ford owned by Casey, she sat at the second row together with Blair and William, while Zachary sat at the back. They enjoyed the road trip, every minute of it. But then, they did not know what lied ahead for them.


"Miss Kryder, may I have your attention please?"

As if destiny did not already mess up with their lives with numerous consequential circumstances, the six of them were "stuck" together in First Period- World Literature. To make matters worse, they were all seated together, after that awkward fiasco, since they all showed up in class- Ten minutes after the bell- and the only vacant seats were, coincidentally, six chairs across each other.

"Yes, Ms. Waterson?"

Ever since the beginning of this class, Ashley felt the unrelenting and piercing gaze of Xavier Phyton on her, and she couldn't think straight. It was as if their past haunted her nonstop.

"Ms. Kryder?"

"Yeah? I'm sorry."

"I said, please elaborate on what the distinction among the Bronte sisters is and why were they prominent during their time?" the young professor impatiently repeated.

"Uhm, it's because they wrote novels that tackle about the merits of feminism, as well as the struggles that women faced. For Charlotte and Emily, they gleaned more on romanticism to convey their prose while Anne was more of a realism writer. And, uh, also they, uh, imbued an impact to the society by showing sort-of altruistic viewpoints or perceptions of society."

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