Chapter 2:

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The Last Time: Chapter 2

William Scott's POV

“Sir William, your father has arrived”, our family secretary, Martha called out from the voicemail.

I raised my head groggily from my desk. I stretched out my arms then scratched my tired eyes. I looked out the window and saw the sun slightly setting. I sighed thinking of how tedious my life seems to be. Ever since my parents left for their corresponding business meetings a couple of weeks ago, all I’ve been doing was residing in my library and and rereading all my books, day and  night. Although I was the one who customized my bedroom, I felt more at ease in my library. With its brown walls, wooden furniture and quiet ambiance.

I carefully snapped shut the book I was currently reading which somehow made me fall asleep. It was Sidney Sheldon’s Doomsday Conspiracy and somehow my eyes got tired of reading it. I stood up and closed the desk light. I went out of the library then went to my room which was just across the hall.

My room was not that extravagant but it looked “like a royalty’s son’s other room aside from his big bedroom” according to a friend of mine. But for me, it’s okay.

I looked at myself in the mirror then stroked my slightly tousled blonde hair . I straightened the hoodie I was wearing then sighed. This was gonna be a long night.

I went to my desk then slightly fixed all the papers , books and other things on it. As I placed the test papers and reviewers last semester on their corresponding filecases, a letter envelope slipped down on the floor. I picked it up and saw that it was a letter addressed to me , sent by Blair, when we were still together(this was one of the things I never beared to reminisce or read). I swiftly opened the letter, for some unknown reason. As I opened it, I saw the letter it contained and several photos. I unfolded the letter. It read:

Hey William, a.k.a my British Boy!

                So... I so win it! Hahaha! It’s really fun up here in Paris and I give credit to Casey for bringing me here(yes,yes she’s rolling her eyes now and muttering “bloody hell”). Anyway, I went to the Eiffel Tower during our second day and obviously, it was so fun! Also, it was very ROMANTIC! Gosh, are you a pessimist now? How could you tell me it was lame? I hate you for that..kidding, I mean, as if I could hate you..Well, I hope you’re okay and I’ll see you real soon! By the way, we are starting college soon and I think I’ll be shipping myself here to study..Just kidding. But really, I love this place! I hope you change your mind about branding this place as lame because it isn’t..and I was hoping maybe you could be the one to officially tour me to your favorite places here.. I mean I’m not forcing you to do so.. Okay, now I’m talking gibberish..So anyway, I don’t know what to say now and you know Casey.. she’ll probably drag me to another cafe or fashion boutique sooner or later. Seriously, this girl needs to take a break. Okay, so really, I hope you’re all good and still rather dashing and fine and.. Oh READ AN ELIZABETH BARRETT BROWNING WORK ALREADY! Seriously, you know how much I love her(yes, I know I’ve been nagging you about this since forever but whatever)! But really I need to go now and see you soon babe.. Hey, say hi to Ash,Zach and Xavier for us, okay? Take care! I love you!


                                                                Blair (Your ever loyal Canadian Girl)

P.S. I know there’s social media and internet for this stuff but Casey won’t let me take a break so I did this when she was asleep because she frigging hid my phone!! Anyway, you practically own the world so I know you’ll receive this in no time, hopefully before we come back because if not, that would be embarassing.. Anyway, bye! J

        I smiled at her letter. That’s just one of the things I love about her, she’s so enthralled by even the smallest thing as long as it concerns her passion for Literature and Romance. Really, she is the cutest person I know. I miss her.. Wait,  bloody hell William.. shut your mouth. Je ne peux plus avoir des sentiments pour elle .. je ne peux pas. I looked at the photos and there were 3 photos taken at the Eiffel Tower and 2 in a fashion store. Almost all of it were taken with Casey. (I loved Casey but it wasn’t enough). Being the bitter stalker that I was, I got the only solo photo of Blair in which she looked really beautiful and stared at it for too long. Her blue eyes were mesmerizing than ever, her silky blonde hair framed her face impeccably and she was so radiant, carefree and young. Every time I look at her, I’m become more certain that I still love her. But what happened between us was a long story and I believe it could never be brought back again. I love her, she loved me and that was it. End of story. I know we were just immature young adults then but my silly heart keeps on begging me to make her love me again. But she doesn’t anymore and I can’t do anything about it. Once you set someone you love free, there is no returning back.

                    Your regret will never be a silver lining. You chose that faith so you have no right to regret anything. Besides, all I want is to make Blair happy, and that was the only thing I could do to give her the happiness she deserves even if it kills me. I never wanted something that much in my life but my stupidity got in the way. However, I did not want to be selfish.

                    My mind rambling was cut short when someone suddenly knocked on the door.


“Just a moment.” I said

I quickly cleared out everything then put the letter on my bedside table drawer then slid the photo on the pocket of my hoodie.

I opened the door and saw my mum. She wore a long-sleeved short dress with intricate patterns with a pearl necklace. She looked really tired and weakly smiled at me as she draped her coat on her left arm.

“Hi son, how are you?’’

“I’m fine. Why did you come here mum? Is dinner ready?”

‘’Yes, your father is waiting.”

I nodded then followed her to the dining are. My father still had his suit on and his expression was unreadable.

I slightly acknowledged him then sat on the chair.

A deafening silence filled us.

“So how was the trip?’’ I asked.

“Son..” Mum trailed.

“What?” I inquired, beginning to feel nervous.

Father raised his hand a little , stopping Mum.

“William, I believe you already know about this. There is something we need to discuss. It’s about Elizabeth.” He said.



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