Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Fall, November 2013

Thousands of students sauntered around the Threshold University Campus, enjoying the last remaining moments of their freedom from taking in the hectic and heavy load their second college semester was going to give them. Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, medical students, law students, every single one leisurely treasured the precious time left before stress took over their lives once again. But among these people, six graduating seniors felt differently. Ashley Kryder, Blair Landon, Casey Miller, William Scott, Xavier Phyton, and Zachary Jones. Agitation, perturbation and irascibility took over their minds. The same single thought crossed their minds, I don't want to be here, was all they could decide on. But they had no choice. They had to be there. They have to face one another. It was inevitable.


Ashley Kryder. The girl felt like a mess. The day before school started, she had problems with regards to Austin and Tarah's school fees. The principal wanted them to have their 50% payment paid immediately or else their 25% scholarship discount would be forfeited since they owed the school almost $4,000. Felix couldn't help, because contrary to what Ashley inferred, Felix lost his job. They couldn't break their promise to their parents so they couldn't transfer to a public school. However, it was a miracle that Abbie was able to let them borrow $1,500 and that the school accepted it and extended their deadline. Ashley felt the need to drive to a far away place and drink herself senseless instead of focusing on finishing her degree in BS Psychology, but she had no money to spare for alcohol and car rentals plus gas. She hasn't slept and she felt like crap.

Blair Landon. She felt really sickly for the past 3 weeks. Ever since that time she fainted, headaches took over her life. She couldn't even get up from her bed without getting a migraine. She had no idea how'd she manage to go to campus without collapsing. Maybe it's because you want to see someone, pathetic loser, she abruptly thought. Yeah right, as if he wants to see you, besides no more regretting. It was for the best. To top it all off, she wanted to slap herself for feeling overly and peculiarly excited to take up English Classics in her AB Humanities course that semester. She felt that she was getting crazier each day. But then again, she felt that hint of dreadfulness within her as she wasn't sure what to expect since it will be the first time they will all be reunited once again after a  long time. She wanted to expect the unexpected but how can you expect the unexpected if the unexpected is something you can't expect? "I'm gonna punch my wack-o brain."  She muttered as she adjusted her satchel. She was a nervous wreck.

Casey Miller. She had the worst case of jet lag ever. The girl repeatedly postponed her trip back to the US to avoid the possibilities of facing everybody so she opted for the last minute trip. Scott and Nadege tried to distract her and subtly convince her to take an earlier flight to avoid this circumstance but all her agitated mind could think about was the fact that Zach was back. It's been years, she has constantly been saying  to her mind. But she couldn't stop the pent up emotions from overwhelming her supposedly "moved on" mind. Plus the fact that the thoughts of her previous wrongdoings haunted her. She was scathingly nervous but she had to face it. She was Casey Miller. She could do it… "Not." She grunted. Couldn't this day go any faster? She wanted to skip school , heck she didn't want to be back so soon. But of course her mom predicted her plans and did everything to make sure she would be back to that courageous perfect girl that she was and embrace the sh*t. Scott even offered to accompany her here to make sure she complied but of course she knew he just wanted to see Blair or catch up with William. "Whatever." She convinced herself, "I can do this "

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