Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Ashley Kryder's POV

It was mid-afternoon, the sky was a little bit orange, and the air felt refreshing. Leaves were scattered everywhere as I walked through the park. I see children playing at the playground, mothers happily pushing their children who were swinging back and forth, fathers running around in circles while their kids chased them. There were also couples strolling while their fingers were intertwined, several teenagers laughing and goofing around with their friends while having a picnic under a tall tree. Some people were sitting alone on benches while reading a newspaper or painting a future masterpiece. Moreover , it was a chaotic but peculiarly peaceful sight.

Ever since I moved here, I see this scene unfold almost everyday as I walked home from school, and somehow, despite the optimism and joy this scene brings me, everytime I leave, a sense of dread fills me. Questions circle my mind as to why I was deprived of this certain happiness. Why do I have an arduous life? Why am I alone? Why do I distrust easily? Is it because I've lost so much in my life? Is it because this is the pessimistic thinking that I'm used to? Is it because I've never felt the warm and calming love of a real and complete family? Maybe. The truth is, I don't know. I don't know why I had this fate. I don't blame anyone, but of course , the curious nature in me wants to know. Why, why, why?

After a few minutes, I see ahead of me my small house, I mean my grandmother's house. Surrounding it was a neatly kept lawn. There was a porch where a wooden white swing was placed. There were flower pots on the trellis that made the place look more presentable. Even though the outside looked somehow decent, the inside was another story. It was a bungalow with 3 bedrooms, a pretty big kitchen, a tiny living room, 3 restrooms, and a space that served as a dining place.

Of course, I was thankful for it but I can't but get jealous of those who live in bigger houses. Nevertheless, I'm kind of contented with what I have, might as well have something than nothing, right? Still, I wish that this house creaked less. Maybe when I become rich, I could change all the worn out and unstable furniture. yeah, that would be amazing.

"Grandma? Felix? Austin? Tarah? I'm home!" I slightly yelled as I entered the house.

Suddenly, a very fixed Austin emerged from the boy's room. His hair looked ridiculous because

his Afro black hair was stiffly straightened and was very, very flat. He wore a green checkered button-down shirt, black pants, oxfords and a worn- out yellow tie. He honestly looked like a 15-year old version of Redfoo with Kevin Jonas' hair in the first Camp Rock movie.

"hi Ashley. Do I look okay? " he asked while pushing his square-rimmed black glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Uhm.. not really. Where are you going? " I asked.

"I'm ..I uh, I have a date. " he stammered.

"Right. A date. Is Felix there? " I inquired.

"Yeah.. But he's quite pissed so I didn't bother him. "

"Oh ok. Well, what time is your so called date?"

"I still have at least two hours. "

"TWO HOURS?! Unbelievable. What kind of guy prepares two hours before? For a normal one, 30 minutes are quite enough. But whatever. Go take a shower and I'll fix you appropriately. " I said.

Austin nodded and ran back to his room. I first headed to my grandma's room to check on her, and true enough, I found her soundly sleeping in her room. After so, I went to Felix and Austin's room.

There, I saw Felix laying on his bed bunk, which was on the lower level, while listening to grandpa's old vinyls, which is placed on the desk beside the bed. His arms were draped over his eyes , and when I entered, he barely glanced at me then continued his wallowing.

I opened the built-in closet and looked for something suitable for Austin.

I took a deep breath then asked, ''Hey Felix, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." he said. 

''Right.." I trailed, then got a striped cerulean shirt and brown khakis for Austin. I then got him all the other necessities he needed and placed it on his bed. After so, I sat beside Felix.

" Hey old brother, you know you can tell me anything ,right?" I assured as I patted the hand of my 26-year-old brother.

''Yes, I know. But sometimes you have to keep your problems to yourself and face it alone to prevent hurting the ones you love and spare them from hurting even more."

"What is it?"

He sighed heavily. ''Mikey told me he saw Abbie dating a guy. Then the kissed her. Not sure if it was in the lips. Also, this morning, I heard my boss saying he had to cut down on workers." he whispered, his voice pained.

"Felix, with regards to Abbie, you should consult her first. I mean, you've been together for what, 3 years? I'm sure she's got a good reaon for this. Maybe it was just a meeting with a producer, since you know she needs the exposure for her acting career. Now, for your work problem, I don't see why  you have to worry yourself. You are the most dedicated and responsible waiter I know and I'm not being biased here. I'm sure Mr.Hoorwin will consider you." I tried to comfort. 

Felix smiled at me but I could still see the sadness from his eyes. He stopped playing the vinyls and sat up. He also patted my head.

'' You're too mature and wise for your  own good. Anyway, are you going to meet up with your friends tonight? University's gonna open up in a few weeks." 

" Yup.'' I lied, trying my best to hide my guilt and nervousness. God, I'd die if he knew.

" Okay. Just make sure you'll be home before 2 or so. And please, before you go, make sure Tarah and Austin's alright.'' he said.

"Yeah." I nodded.

"Okay, now go do your thing."

''Alright. Make sure Austin stops using the flat iron" I said as I stood up.

"Yes, boss. Oh and Ashley?"



I smiled then left the room. As if on cue, my phone rang.

''Hello?" I said

" Hey, Ash, you ready for tonight? Zeke will be here."

''Yeah, I'm in. Tell the guys to prepare my car. I'll be there."

"Awesome. We'll be waiting."



 Please bear with me because it's hard to the type using my phone and all my pieces are written in a notebook so it's kind of hard and I only have little spare time guys... thanks


Love with apologies,


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