Three poor kids

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(A/N: I'm gonna skip dyeing Autumns hair cuz I have so much ideas ahead.Also, plot twist, we're gonna find out something new about Reader-chan that nobody expected ;3)

Disclaimer: I don't own anything exept Autumn.

Your POV

I was just drying As (You know, Autumns hair. Sorry it looks weird :d) hair with a towel but then I heard a familiar voice from my computer. "I'll be right back." I said and put the towel down next to A. I ran to my computer to see a familiar caller ID. I turned around and told A to come too. I sat down on my computer chair and waited for A to come sit next to me.

Haras POV

I walked in to the living room after I heard two new voices. I peeked around a corner in case there were really other people here. (y/n) and A were sitting before the computer talking to two good looking guys. They looked around 18 or 19. The other one had short white hair and royal blue eyes, while the other one had gravity defying black hair with green tips. I felt a pang of jelousy in my chest when I saw (y/n) smile happily when she saw them. 'Who the hell are those?' I thought and and walked quietly closer to hear better what they were saying.

"Killua, Gon?! Is this something important?" (y/n) asked. "We need you and A to come on a mission with us." The one with white hair said. (y/n) raised one of her eyebrows and looked at them with a confused look on her face. "Why? It can't be that hard, i mean your very strong, hell you even saved the world from giant mutant ants that could use nen (a.k.a chimera ants), I think you'll survive."

"It's not about our strenght. We need you two cuz it's a personal mission." The other guy said.

'Wait-What? A mission? What the hell is going on?' I thought

"Oh. What is this mission about- Wait, but I cant's just leave! I just moved here and I have someone to take care of."

The black haired guy had a shocked expression on his face as he came closer to the camera. "Who are you taking care of? Is it a guy?!" The white haired one shoved him away and came in front of the camera in his place. "Remember the three poor kids we met on a mission about six years ago?"

(y/n) tensed up at mentioning of someone they met long ago. "what about them? Are they in danger?!" 

"No, not really but.... theyr parents passed away, they need help, they can't survive on their own, I mean, Kenny's like 10 and Karen's even younger." The white haired guy said with a somewhat sad face. "Where are you now?" (y/n) asked with a serious face.

"We're not that far actually, we'll come pick you up soon." The black haired one said.

"Wait just a second." (y/n) said and turned to look at me. "You coming too or are you going back to Maou?"

'Totally not going back there!'

"I'll come with."


Time skip

Your POV

We were on a bus heading to the quiet mountain town. I was sitting next to Hara who was sleeping with his head resting on my sholder. Finally I saw the sign that read 'south park' (I had to *-*)

I shook Haras sholders to wake him up. He slowly opened his eyes and tiredly looked at me for a second before buring his face in my sholder. "Hara, we gotta get off now."

"I don't want to, too tired." I huffed and got up. "I guess you leave me no choice."

I picked him up and put him on my back. "Wha-put me down!"

"You said you were tired, plus we gotta get off quickly."

I got out with Hara still on my back. A turned to look at us and cooed taking a picture with her phone.

"You two look so cute! When is the date by the way?" She asked wiggeling her eyebrows.

I thought for a second before answering her. "Dunno yet. Maybe when we get back home."

Gon appeared from behind me and came really close to my face so our noses where almost touching.

"Are you two dating? Since when? why didn't you tell me? I mean I'm like your older brother!" He said with tears in his eyes (A/N: Like this

I pushed him away a bit and sweat dropped. "Gon, calm down. I didn't have time to tell you yet and can we go now before somethin happens to those three."

time skip again

We were in front of one of the class rooms in south parks elementary school looking for one of the kids. 

Before we got here Gon and Killua explained us that Kevin, the oldest of the sibling had called Gon telling him to take care of Kenny and Karen. They didn't know where he went after that but we know he wont be coming back for a while.

I stepped closer to the door and knocked gently. We heard a 'Come in' from inside and voices of kids talking and yelling. I opened the door and walked in with the others fallowing.

"Oh, and who might you be?" The teacher asked turning around with a puppet in his other hand.

"We're known as pro hunters, sorry to interupt your lesson but I'm looking for Kenneth McCormick." I said calmly with a serious expression on my face.

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