Hara's discovery

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Hara's discovery

A/N: I'm so sorry it's so short, but I was busy ; _ ;

Hara: No you weren't! You were watching Austin & Ally, playing the book of unwritten tales and reading fan fics!

Me: Uh....No I wasn't..

Hara: Sure, whatever you say. At least play better games.

Me: Are you saying the book of unwritten tales isn't a good game?! You better run.


*Hara gets hit on top of his head and he hides behind the reader *

Hara: Please help me (y/n)!

(y/n): Please stop, your scaring Hara-san.

Me: That's the point. :3

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but Autumn!

Your POV

When I woke up, Hara was still sleeping peacefully on my lap. I carefully slipped away from under him and felt pain in the lower part of my stomach.  'Oh god no...'

I slowly walked to the kitchen holding my stomach to find Autumn cooking pancakes. "Morning." She said smiling at me, but her smile faded when she saw me hold my stomach. "What's wrong? The time of the month?" She asked concern showing in her eyes.

"Mmm.." I hummed slightly nodding, cause I was to tired to talk and the pain in my lower stomach was getting worse.

"I'm gonna go to bed.." I got up and walked towards my bedroom. On my way I felt a huge cramp and I fell on the floor screaming from the pain.

I held my stomach trying to ease the pain. Tears formed in the corners of my eyes as I prayed for the pain to stop. I heard foot steps coming my way. "(y/n)!"

It was Hara. He kneeled next to me and asked what was wrong. I held his held his hand griped it hard. I didn't care if it was awkward later, I just wanted for the pain to stop.

"Make it stop!...make...it stop.... please.." I sobbed still holding Hara's hand. He was panicking not knowing what to do, he didn't even know what was going on.

Autumn came running and kneeled next me and Hara. "(y/n), calm down. Let get you up, you need to walk to ease the pain."

I tried moving but I felt a wave of pain go trough me. "I can't! It hurts! Just make it stop, please!"

Autumn took hold of me and helped me up. She put my arm around her shoulders and helped me walk around. The pain faded away but it still hurt. "Let's get you to bed. Then I'll get you a hot bottle, I'll go buy you chocolate and cookies and I'll go find your laptop."

Autumn said smiling at me. "I love you Autumn..." I said quietly 'cause I was still pretty tired. "I know, I love you too, your my best friend and I'll help you in anyway I can!" She said gently and kissed my fore head. 'What would I do without you?' I smiled and pulled a blanked on me.

Hara was standing next to the door with a confused expression. "What's going on?" He asked. Autumn turned to him and went to get my laptop from my table next to the door and gave it to me. "I know we are both bad at explaining things so lets just find information for him online." Autumn said. I nodded in agreement and opened my laptop. I found some health website were it was explained and gave the laptop to Hara who now was standing next to my bed. He took it and read some of it and gave the laptop back to me blushing. He turned away and walked out of the door without saying another word. I looked at Autumn, who did the same and we bursted out laughing.

Lucifer/Urushihara Hanzo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now