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I lied. This is not a new chapter.....


I've been so busy-

Bill: *cough cough* Lazy human *cough*

Me: "WHAT DID YOU JUST-?!" *sigh* "whatever... "  'screw you William...'

Bill: "You do realize I can read your mind, right?


Bill: "Now, now you shouldn't talk like that, it's not nice. It's also not really clever since, you know, I could just kill you in a second" :)

Me: I don't care.. now get H out of here before I-I..

Bill: "You what?" >:)

Me: "just go plz... " :c

Bill: "FINE...I'll be watching.." ;)

Me: "Urgh, whatever I know your not gonna leave for real so fuck it, make yourself comfortable.."

Bill: "Gladly" :)


Bill: "You okay there Owl?"

Me:"W-what? Owl? I know you like giving names but where did that come from?" O_o

Bill: "Well you used to wear that silver owl necklace before you broke it"

Me:"What? I didn't break it...on purpose.." ._.

Bill: "Sweety I know you broke it, even if it wasn't on purpose, you still broke it." ^w^

Me: Oh for the love of.. ok anywhore, Imma just get the others here." -_-

*walks away*

Bill: "So now that she's gone, how are you? Well it's not like I don't know and I don't actually even care but, um... wanna be powerful kid? I could give you everything you want, and I only ask for ONE little favor. Deal? You just have to draw a triangle on your hand with one eye and shake hands with yourself and then the deal is seal- "

Me: *jumps on Bill* "NO WILLIAM! BAD BILLY!" >:c

Bill: *shrugs* "What I was doing some business"

*others walk in*

Gon: "Eva why are you sitting on that guy?"

Kenny: "Were you two in the middle of something?" ;)

Me: "Not really.."

Bill: "YES!" :))

Me: "Uh.. right, Bill your really hot and stuff but lets not go there right now..." ._.

Bill: "So how about later?" ;)

Me: "Uh... how about we talk about this later, we have people here we were supposed to do things" :I

Bill & Kenny: " What kind of things?" >:3

Me: "Oh for fucks sake.." O _ O

*just kenny and Bill rolling on the floor*

Everyone else exept me: 'Dafug..' O _ O

Me: " I'm already used to this.." :I

Killua: "So.. where's Hara?"

Me: "Oh yea..." :o




*runs off to find Hara and finds him sleeping on Reader-chan*

Me: "Aww.. that's so scute!" ^w^

Reader-chan: "Could you help?! I can't feel my legs.." ; _ ;

Me: "Oh...Well..uh..Be right back!" ^u^

*runs back to others*

*Le Reader-chan shouting in the distance*


Me: "I'm sorry but you gotta wait a sec! So Killua would you like to help?" ^w^

Killua: "You can do it yourself and you know it.."






Bill and Mabel: "Trough the door over there"

Mabel: "OMG Bill what are you doing here?! Go away I'm not letting you hurt my friends!" >:c

Me: "Mabel calm down... He's not gonna do anything!" 'Bill you better not do anything or imma steal your top hat and shove it deep in your as-'

Bill: "Whoa, don't need to do that! I prefer my top hat on my head and not inside of me.." :I

Killua,Gon,Reade-chan & Hara: 'Wtf..' O_o

(And at this point Reader-chan somehow woke Hara up and got him off of her ^w^)

Mabel, and Dipstick: "What does that mean?"

Kenny: "Oh boy.. Gurl you really that naive? How about this? You come visit South park and you will know more things!" ^w^

A: "Kenny no! She's still innocent! She's one of the last ones in the group!" >:c

Kenny: "Who are the others? They're not Eva, Bill,Killua or Hara for sure.."

Me:"Hey!... Oh wait it's true.." ; _ ;  "Anywhore it's Gon. He and Mabel are the only innocent ones. Tho I don't really know about Reader-chan..."

*everyone turns to Reader-chan*

Me: "Well?.."

Reader-chan: "Oh,uh I gotta go? BYE!" ^w^"

Bill: "HAHAHAA" xD

Me: "Let me guess..?"

Bill: "She's totally not innocent" ;)

Me: "Well.. okay then.. WELL! We had fun but I'm really getting kind of tired and sick (Yea.. I'm actually sick at the moment xd), so how about we continue this later ,ok? Ok good, BYE!!" ^w^  *walks away*

Bill: "So anyone wanna make a deal?"

Mabel: *hit's Bill with a random newspaper* "NO BILL! BAD BILLY!" >:c

Bill: "Okay okay! Don't need to hit me.. I'm fragile.." :c

*I pop back from no one but me knows where*

Me: "Bill we all know you like pain you sick fuck." :I

Bill: "Shut up! You just hurt my feelings! I'm not your not my friend anymore if you don't apologize!" >:c

Me: "Imma just hold you for a while, how about that?"

Bill: "Okay!" ^w^

Dipper: "Does anyone else think that Bill's acting nothing like himself? No? Just me? Okay.." ._.

Me: "Just ignore and enjoy it Dipstick" :I

Dipper: *Blushes* "Hey! Don't call me that!" >:I

Me: "What Dipstick? I didn't really hear you Dipstick, could you repeat that Dipstick?" :)

Dipper: "I-you-wha-... fuck you Eva.." :c


Dipper: ".....M'kay...I swear you're crazy.." :I

Me & Bill: "Yeah duh? Your point?" :DD

*le me and le derp- I mean Bill highfive cuz fuck sanity :)*

Others: "Okay then.."

Me: "Okay imma go now for real, Bye!" xD

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