Home we go

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything!

Chiho was the first person to speak up after 3 minutes of awkward silense. "I think I'm going crazy, I think I heard you say that Urushihara could come live with you. Like that would happen."

"You're not going crazy, you're already crazy."

"What?" "Nothing." (Y/N) said chuckling along with Urushihara.

"And I did say that he could come live with me." (Y/N) said calmly.

"He can't come live with you! He's annoying, lazy ass bum. He's not worth your time." Chiho said trying to convince (Y/N) not to take him in.

'Why do they think so bad about him? He seems nice.' (Y/N) thought while Chiho went on and on about how awful Urushihara was.

"And he also-" (Y/N) cut her off before she got to end her sentence.

(Y/N) was now seriously mad, nobody, nobody should be treated like this.

"Why do you treat him so badly?!" (Y/N) yelled at Chiho. Everyone seemed taken back by (Y/N)'s sudden out brust.

Urushihara was the most suprised. Nobody ever had stood up for him.

This time Ashiya was the one to speak. "Like Chiho told you he-" "He can't be that bad, beside, nobody deserves to be treated like this! Ever!"

Nobody made a sound until (Y/N) spoke again, this time more calmly.

"How would you feel like if you were treted this way."

"I would never do anything that would lead to people treating me badly." Ashiya said proudly.

"Not all people doesn't care if you've done something bad or good, they treat you like shit anyways."

(Y/N) paused for a while remembering how she was treated for many years. 'I don't want anyone to go trough that.' (Y/N) thought and turned to face Urushihara.

"So, do you wanna come live with me?" (Y/N) asked smiling at him.

"Are you serious?" Urushihara asked exitedly leaning closer to her with wide eyes.

(Y/N) chuckled before answering. "Ofcourse, I don't want you to be treated like this and I'm lonely. It would be nice living with someone."

"I would like that, but do you have a computer?" (Y/N) started laughing and answered still laughing. "Dude, I work on computer, ofcourse I have. Actually I have two. I also have a Playstation." (A/N Like you might know, I don't own playstation)

"When can I move in?" Urushihara asked (Y/N). "When ever you want."

"You're not seriously taking him in, are you?" Sadou asked eyeing (Y/N).

"Didn't I alredy say he can move in with me." (Y/N) replied.


"But if he goes outside, he'll get arrested." Ashiya said. "How so?"

"He destroyed a bridge." Ashiya said while looking at the purple haired boy with anger in his eyes. "Did you have to tell her that?!" Urushihara shouted. 'Now she'll think I'm weird and won't take me in..' He thought looking down. ' Finaly that I found someone that treats me well.'

"You destroyed a bridge?" (Y/N) asked trying to look at his face. Urushihara turned his head away from her and whispered quietly so she barely heard it. "yeah.."

"That's pretty fucking cool!" (Y/N) yelled happily.

Urushihara looked up, suprise writen all over his face. "Wha- You don't think I'm.. weird?"

Lucifer/Urushihara Hanzo x readerWhere stories live. Discover now