Chapter 5

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Meanwhile at the technodome, in a cell, Tadashi was unconscious and started to wake up. "Ow, my head. What happened?" Tadashi said, as he gets up and looked around the cell, he then noticed a photo of him, his brother Hiro, and Brenda that he's holding in his hand. Then realized what happened and starts to panic. "Oh no, Brenda! I have to get out of here and find her before it's too late!" Tadashi told himself. He ran up to the cell door and through the little window to see a Krang bot guarding his cell. "Hmm, hey Krang," Tadashi told the Krang bot, as the bot turn to him. "There's something with the wall in here?"

The Krang bot then head towards the control to open the cell door. After the door is open, the Krang bot walked in, only to see that Tadashi was gone. "Hey, up here!" Tadashi called out. The Krang bot look up to see Tadashi holding onto a pipe ceiling. He then drops onto the Krang bot, breaking it into pieces. As the Krang brain got out of its robot body, Tadashi quickly headed to the exit and quickly closed the cell door and the Krang brain hit the window. "Woah, that's a close one." Tadashi said, as he ran off to the equipment room.

Meanwhile at the same hallway, a young 18 yr old girl with short blonde hair, with little white skin, with brown eyes, wearing a blue long sleeve dress, and blue boots, is running away from some Krang bots and Normbots. "Stop the one with the blonde hair!" One of the Krang bots said, as the bots fire their blasters at her. "Oh boy!" The girl said, in worried. As she heads towards the equipment room, she collided into Tadashi. "Ow," Tadashi said, rubbing his head, then saw the girl that he collided to. "Oh my, sorry! Who are you?" "No time, being chase!" the girl explained, pointing to the bots still chasing her. "Oh, uh?! Get behind me!" Tadashi told her. The girl gets behind Tadashi, and he summon a fire flame in his hands, which surprised the girl. As the bots got closer, Tadashi used his fire flame and made a fire wall blocking the bot's way. "That'll hold them," Tadashi said, as he ran to the door control, pressed the button, and the door open. "Come on!" The girl ran in first, then Tadashi, and the door closed.

Inside the equipment room, both Tadashi and the girl took a breather. Tadashi then saw his armor on the shelf, along with a Pokémon ball, he then walked up to them grabbed his Pokémon ball, put it in his pocket and start putting on his armor. "That's a close one," the girl said, then she sees Tadashi putting on his armor. "Thanks for the save." "Anything for someone in need." Tadashi said, with a smile. "Might I ask, who you are?" The girl asked. "My name is Tadashi Hamada, but can you call me by my hero's name Sunfire." Tadashi answered, putting on his gauntlets. "Let me guess, it's to keep your identity secret, so your loved ones won't get hurt." The girl guessed with a smirk. Tadashi chuckled, "You guess it. So why are those bots chasing you?" The girl looked at the equipment's in the room, "I escape from my cell that I'm being held in. I got captured, when I was searching for my sisters." "You have sisters," Tadashi asked the girl, as she nodded. "How many?" "Three, I'm the oldest," the girl answered, turning to him. "I'm so worried about them, especially May." "May?" Tadashi asked. "My little sister, she always found her way into trouble. Just hope she's, okay?" The girl said, in worried. Tadashi smiled, "I can understand. " The girl looked at him, he walked to the shelf where his helmet is. "I have a little brother name Hiro, he's always gets into trouble," Tadashi explained, as the girl walked to him and handed her a photo of him, Hiro, and Brenda. "He's a genius, he graduated from high school at age 13." "Wow, he's cool." The girl said, looking at the photo.

Tadashi takes his helmet off the shelf, "Yeah, he's amazing alright. Both me and Brenda are so proud of him." "Brenda? You mean the girl in photo," the girl said pointing at the photo of Brenda with the brothers. "Is she a friend?" "Yeah," Tadashi said, then sigh. "There's actually another thing I want to mention. You see, I actually got killed from a fire." The girl was in shocked, "So, are you a ghost?" "Technically, I'm half spirit and human," Tadashi explained, turning to the girl. "I actually became part of my friend soul after the fire. Not only that, I got fire powers from fire." "Hm, that would explain you summon that fire wall." The girl said, handing back Tadashi's photo. "Yeah, now I have to find my friend before she..." Tadashi said but stop before he said it. "Before she what?" The girl asked. "All I can say, is that she won't be around much longer." Tadashi added. Then the girl got an idea, "Hey, why don't we team up? I'll help you find your friend and you'll help me find my sisters." "I don't know. It could be dangerous, especially if you get hurt." Tadashi said, then an orbbot(a special Krang technology) in, but right before he could attack, a cold beam hit the bot freezing it in place. Tadashi turned around to see the girl floating with snowflakes surrounding her and her eyes are glowing blue, with one arm aimed at the bot. She then floated down to the ground, the snowflakes disappeared, and her eyes stopped glowing. She crossed her arms and smirked, "I'm more than needs the eyes." "Okay, I'm impressed," Tadashi said, as he put on his helmet and looked at the girl. "We'll find your sisters and my friend together." "You got it Sunfire!" The girl said, as she walked to the door. "By the way, I forgot to ask, what's your name?" Tadashi asked the girl. The girl turns to him and smile, "my name is Jenny, Jenny Oz."

(Oh, what's going to happen to Brenda? And also, Jenny Oz is the daughter of none other than Ozpin and Salma if you watched RWBY volume 6. Like I said in my other book RWBY notes, I'm making my own version of the series, so I basically have Ozpin's daughters alive. I'll post the next chapter soon and after that I'll put down the sister's information. Till, then peace out.)

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